Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

What a tune.


He does have a habit of coming out with absolute clangers of one liners on occasions.

Oireland Oireland Oireland
Great result today lads keep driving it on now.

He is style over substance personified.

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Why did China do this to us. Why? The pictures of Italy are horrendous

Genuine question I’ve seen a lot of mention here of 30% daily increases as being the baseline? What’s the significance of this number in particular?

30% daily increases seem to be the trend. Keeping it under this seems to help flatten the curve so to speak.

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The range is from x1.1 to x1.6, so it’s roughly in the middle.

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Because they are a top down rigidly controlled society so they can’t respond to something like this quickly. Especially if it starts somewhere remote from Beijing and the locals are afraid of their lives to say anything.

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How inline are we with Norways policies with regard to timing of introducing them? They are seeing reductions

Small spikes in Singapore and places. No room for complacency, whatsoever, even when we’ve this cunt half beaten into submission.

This is a head of Government who greeted another head of Government by wearing wacky socks, in the glare of the worlds media.

And who writes love letters to pop stars.

You can bet simpletons lapping up his spiel on Tuesday night meant more to him than any measures to help people at this time of crisis.

He’s a cod, Bill.


China are saying that all new cases are people arriving into China with it, and putting in place strict quarantine measures for people entering China.

Varadkar is one of our greatest leaders. Up there with Sean Lemass


Do you know what Norways policies were and how aligned we are to theirs? They look like they’ve got a handle on it

I don’t but I think a big factor in Scandinavia is their willingness to follows orders, unlike the British and the Irish to a lesser extent.

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Are you comparing Leo to Cristiano.

I also think he’s doing a good job. In reality the politicians role is communication, the most important people in this crisis are the experts advising them on the correct actions and the health care services dealing with it. The army will be important too when it’s time to enforce the lock downs.

People are going to be shot dead on the streets with rioting. 1000’s are going to die in London over the virus

The Norwegians don’t need to go to Italy for a spot of skiing.

When is the London blitz spirit going to kick in?