Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

We are where we are. The main thing is that it’s happening now.

Yeah - and Homer beat their brains out!!

How long can Leo cling to power? Until another election is called? — Machiavelli would be in awe.

Those who received the extra money should have to pay it back . It’s only fair .

He’ll be declared Taoiseach for life after this

What has he achieved?

I’ve no doubt. The Irish are easily awed.

He let the virus in. He let it spread. He’s leaving it spread still.

He is literally killing people. And he a doctor

A real leader would have locked down the country .

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Eh horse racing is still fucking going


Not anymore it’s not. Leo done em

How does this affect the golfing community? And it’s still just a discouragement, will it stop the horde heading for Glendagilsonlough

He’s saving the country.

In an era of Boris and trump I’m really proud we have Leo as our leader.

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The fact that he needed to ram them says all you need to know about those fuckers.

They’ll be first against the wall when this is done and dusted

Our grandparents were asked to go to war. We are being asked to sit on the couch.

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He was rattled there about rent freeze :laughing:

What’s he on about san Francisco. More waffling

It was a stupid fucking question.