Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Sounds like a back patting exercise with little real action.

Ahh Pascal will save us .

The new Padraig Pearce

Leo has this

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Lads will someone let Tony Holohan know that joggers seem to know something we don’t know or are immune to spreading the virus judging by the way the cunts are spluttering and wheezing past people at a very unsafe distance.


Because you say so?

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When FG took power we were paying 9 per cent. Now we can borrow 50 billion for for ten years at zero interest.

Raise a drink to the Kaiser.

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How many test centres have the backward Irish got now? Asking for arlene foster

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I think they were hoping for 41 by the end of the day.

Unreal effort. The world looks on while the north looks away in denial.

Those cunts in FG are knocking this out of the park.

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Leo the Lionheart delivers another tour De France

Imagine Mee-hawl Martin trying to inspire this great country or Mary Lou roaring and shouting


What a mess

It’s like the hokey cokey

To the farmers :pint:


Politically the biggest loser of this all in Ireland will be Micheal Martin as everyone realises what a complete lightweight he is. All hail Corona.

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A few lads were concerned ref the fast food outlets closing in regards to a fall off for the Beef producer.

Says I, the fancy dans will have to get used to Striplions & Beef cheeks going forward and the Beef boys will be grand.

Wheat & grain prices starting to rise. Beet sold out. Silage will be needed in abundance. Milk price is holding strong and will improve further.

God bless the Farmers of Ireland & all who support them.


This tipping point game is bizarre.

Sorry, you are?