Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

I dunno, you could pull up head out and keep your distance, just don’t travel in groups. Fair enough pro shops and even locker rooms would have to be closed.

They’ll have filled in the holes presumably

Surely you don’t need more time for spamming the board?

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There isn’t enough hours in the day on that front

We are all in awe of him & he doesn’t even wear a cape.

Got my last game in today on Druids Glen and it was glorious.


He gets there eventually I suppose. He had to be forced to call off Paddy’s day. PBP and Sinn Fein both said the 203 payment wont work. All other parties were calling for increased measures for over a week now. I’m sure Whstever SF and PBP point out to him this week, he’ll introduce next week.

Give it a rest and sit in the corner and keep quiet while the adults get on with running the country


Thats not how the internet works bro.

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And this has now been cancelled. It’s going to be carnage up North.

I withdraw my comment. Carry on.

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The Irish Independent runs Articles on Karma for 1847.

I am currently UNABLE to get a cappucino airside in T1, DUB

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Spink in italy death toll today . This virus cant be stopped . Cant be controlled,

Time are our numbers today?

Are tennis clubs supposed to close as well? Herbert Park’s courts were full a while ago. A couple in a family having a knock around is one thing, but some auld lad pals having a game of doubles is another. It’s not on the level of joggers who won’t make the effort to run around walkers at a decent distance (might eat into that time) but doesn’t seem to be in the spirit of social distancing.

Half 8 I think. Gives me time to sort out my excel and check on my Spotify :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Disappointing but still off the peak number at the weekend. Case growth remains stable.