Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet


How many deaths are you expecting Ireland, just want to gauge what you think

Why the fuck do they keep changing the time?

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Because the situation is fluid

My sister is
Their approach is all about rapid, mass testing and detailed contact tracing using credit card details and cctv and rigorous community led social distancing and self quarantine if you have symptoms.The schools and childcare centres are closed but there is no major lockdown , most businesses are still open but people are scrupulous about the hygiene and social distancing as they have the muscle memory from SArs and MERs.
Plus the government send emergency alerts all the time, yesterday’s was to warn people not to eat sitting opposite each other.

They also have significant capacity in the healthcare system, you must go to a hospital to get a sick cert to stay off work.
Sorry, I didn’t see this before


Under 1,000 for Ireland anyway, for this wave.

My guess is that it’s due to the advisory meetings with the Government and the press conference. Holohan’s day job will have been pushed back.

Average contact numbers for cases is five now. We have this lads

Down from 20 for the initial cases, for context.

You’d still expect a spike as the backlog of cases is cleared but people are more or less adhering to the guidance at least.

My ltc allows games. Clubhouse closed. No shaking hands. I’ll update after tonight’s email

Do you change balls after each service game.

Ffs sake. You may as well lick a handrail on a Luas.


Relax ffs, he told you he’d update us once the email is sent out later on.

I only play with the smallies mate

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Don’t you dare explain yourself to him. He needs to apologise for that uncalled for outburst.

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Your own?

He snapped. Times are tense`

Strike 1…

Yes .

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I would also have accepted, because time is a human construct

It’s like the lucky dip kick off times at the Rugby World Cup.

cc @Dziekanowski