Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Confirmed cases is an irrelevant figure. If the virus threatened to kill anyone who got it then it would be more relevant.

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Only 1 in 20 of those rocking up are actually positive. Heā€™s not wrong, the worried well are bunging up the system as usual


For them itā€™s very concerning because theyā€™ve shag all tested

Credit to the lads self isolating and just getting on it with.


Trump reckons heā€™ll have it all sorted by Easter

I got a cut about earlier this month which has me covered for this quarter. Things might take a drastic turn if the barber isnā€™t back open by mide of June

If anyone wants to rock up to the peninsula Iā€™ll give them the lend of the clippers. Pm me.

No surprise, we are testing like fuck now.

I wouldnā€™t say irrelevant. Itā€™s not the the most critical but itā€™s a marker for future problems. The scale with which theyā€™re expanding is scary. Yes, they have a big population but their critical cases are also growing rapidly. And it continues to be heavily focused in the NY area.

I thought you typed chippers on first sight !

Shit. Another Villa legend gone before his time.:joy:

Toe? Or Hair?

Did they release figures per county today?

Is it too simplistic to wonder how they have a test for this virus ready to go so quickly and itā€™ll take a full year for a vaccine?

Vaccines need to undergo very rigorous tests.
A test does notā€¦

A bad test wonā€™t kill you but a bad vaccine might.

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So many inconsistencies in the country by country stats.

Ireland (27) has more critical cases than UK(20).
UK had 87 deaths today, Ireland had 1.

Are UK cases dead before they even get to hospital?

Fuck, Iā€™d murder a drink


A test is easy to develop, a vaccine very difficult.

Here do you reckon if one had the flu jab this year it helps?

Yes. Iā€™d say a lot of people who are getting sick and dying have the flu as well.

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