Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Just remember the clocks go back Sunday so we get an extra hour indoors.

cc @Bandage

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Sheā€™s trying to stay relevant.

You couldnā€™t but be sceptical of the Irish numbers. Maybe they are putting deaths down to natural causes.

Iā€™m more sceptical of the UK critical numbers.


Its been a terrible few weeks for imaginary victims


Simon Harris will make a fine taoiseach one day


Tennis Ireland advised all clubs to close today. My own club closed up on saturday and i believe Glasnevin closed up today.

Only if heā€™s compared to Enda Kenny.

Adversity has really brought out the best in himself, and Leo.


Is that cunt still drawing 6 pensions?

Covney is pulling the strings behind the scenes . He sorted out brexit and he will sort out this

He wouldnā€™t sort spuds

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:exploding_head: Two Fucking metres Jimmy! FFS

Obviously different categorisations but ya 100% theyā€™ll have another 100 dead tomorrow off 20 cases

It means thereā€™s a lot of cunts in Cork.

Fucking horrendously bad form and there thousands waiting

Ah will ya stop.

Bad bad cunts at that.

ā€˜The most responsible people canā€™t even go for a round of golfā€™
Ivan Yates