Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

You should have just stated you were a fascist when you started posting here rather than waiting five years to admit it.

It’s not as if it was ever in any doubt.

my mental health isn’t great today. I’m 10 days in now wfh and little out time. No exercise as my bulging disc was playing up. I’ve to be tested for this thing as well… Fuck you and your snappychats.


Today’s figures are from Wednesday the 11th

Trouble in paradise??

Have you pulled the stomach out of yourself yet?

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That’s probably your IT band talking :man_shrugging:t2:

Have you considered putting your thumb up your hole?


I’m much better now. Thanks guys.

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What will be the case with haircuts? That’s out the window now aswell. I’ll be like Tom Hanks in that film where he got stranded

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Bowl and scissors jobs. We’ll all look like Jim Carey from dumb and dumber

Ah yes, The bus that couldn’t slow down ?

I suppose it is a good complaint. Compared to the likes of @artfoley


The deliveroo guys will start cutting you hair now too, it’ll be grand

I was due my monthly trim this weekend. The fringe is in my eyes. I’ll shave it off before I’ll put on a bobbin

There could be an issue with hygiene around the Wolverhampton and Dudley areas.

Yesterday conspiracy theorist @labane1917 told us Germany were faking their statistics based on precisely nothing.

He should have looked a bit further east for a regime that’s lying through its teeth about what’s happening.

Who could have guessed Russia would engage in a mass cover up?

I thought the 74 figure was gold until 190 slapped me across the puss last night.
Thank fuck number is down today but it’s by no means sight of the clear horizon just yet.

If anything, measures to decrease social interactions outside of the home need to be pressed further now.

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50k charged with breaking quarantine rules in Italy. The stupid, selfish cunts


The Russians are the most honest people you could ever meet. They would never mislead anyone.:grinning:

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