Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

It would be triple that here.

Not surprising, they are a horrible shower of bastards.

Iā€™d say 5 million in Russia have it

Does @chocolatemice still post here? I disagreed with a lot of what he said but he was a good poster

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In jail I think.

Lol :rofl:

Unrale drama that mightā€™ve gone to court but for the intervention of the Chinese virus

Thousands of Italianā€™s dying at one of the worst times in their history and thatā€™s all you can come out with. Jesus.

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You were waiting for that.


Iā€™ve 2 fully thickening forests emanating from my nostrils but Iā€™m fucked if Iā€™m cutting down my natural defences.

The guards had to be called.

Lads who tested and come back negative should be in bubble wrap on clare island. Sure what use is that when you could get it tomorrow as it spreads exponentially

627 dead there today, 4,032 deaths overall.

But yeah, keep calling them bastards pal.

The ones who are breaking quarantine are worse than bastards

I asked herself if Iā€™m tested positive and fully recover would that make me a day walker. She said not necessarily, that they donā€™t know that maybe I could catch it again, be without symptoms and unknowingly spread it.

If it behaves like other viruses, and specifically corona viruses, you should neither get infected with the same virus again nor spread it once your viral load goes down after you recover. As itā€™s a new virus and thereā€™s not enough studies done yet, that wonā€™t be said conclusively by the experts.


I was lucky enough to have 9 months cutting my own hair and beard with the clippers and now Iā€™m a dab hand at it. I was the best groomed person in SuperValu tonight.


How are our Scandinavian friends coping with this virus and why does it not seem to be an issue in Africa?

Thatā€™s good to know. My biggest fear is spreading this fucking thing. Assuming I have it at all.