Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

I looked it up there. I wasn’t far out with my estimate of 40. The Duke of Kent is 37th in line to the throne. A no hoper. Your best bet to get a Roman Catholic on the throne would be repeal of the Act of Settlement of 1701 and get the House of Stuart and their supporters all fired up again. I believe it’s Franz, Duke of Bavaria who’s first in line there.

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Sure weren’t you busy sorting out the birth problem last year voting ‘yes’ for abortion.

Franz Beckenbauer is it?

actually, go way you shitbag -

Is Franz Beckenbauer not the Kaiser?

and how exactly am i embarrassing myself? i was correct, unless you meant that @Special_Olympiakos was embarrassing himself

I thought that was Michael Noonan?

Limerick of course a real royal stronghold. More so of the Jacobite variety and the House of Stuart. Probably a lot of support there for the claims of Franz, Duke of Bavaria.

Proud of you @artfoley for not knowing the above and showing proper disdain for the english monarchy . Unlike some sleveen Irish cunts who follow every jot & tittle about the cunts.

They’re both English

Pretty sure Jp McManus has had the royals to the manor a few times.

I never said they weren’t.

A covert jaunt to the manor? Flew in on helicopters and parachuted in under the cover of darkness?

Or were they official visits?

Not official visits. Pretty sure they were due in April again as well.

Is that a euphenism?

I think this is the first time a royal visited the manor. 1897.

JP is some man for a tricenturian

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There seems to be a lot of division on this subject among the Limerick posters here. Still, either way it just shows how box office the Royal Family is there.

An Italian study has suggested 75% of people who contract corona virus are asymptomatic.

Don’t you mean @anon61878697