Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Nepal style masssacre. The Duke of Kent is a long way down the pecking order. Youā€™d have to kill off all the Windsors/Mountbattens first. They take up about 25 slots, including the Earl of Snowden and his issue. The Duke of Gloucester and his crew are ahead of the Duke of Kent in the pecking order too. At a rough estimate, Iā€™d say the Duke of Kent is about 40th in line for the throne.

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I think a TFK effort of something similar to this could send out a message of hope to the world ā€¦ any song ideas that we could do?


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I was thinking more along the lines of Beach Boys - Good Vibrations, but Stan works too

Good knowledge there. Given the bolded bit itā€™s no wonder the Duchess turned a Catholic. The IRA ceasefire looks to have killed off her chance however.

Few lads here only days away from having their bitches screaming in the trunk.

Poor Prince Charles thought he was heir to the crown but as it turned out he was heir to the Corona.

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You probably donā€™t even hear the screams anymore




I thought Iā€™d read\heard somewhere that to be effective it had to be at least 66% alcohol?

There is some idiot running around raheen in marathon gear , sunglasses with a buggy and two kids inside. The attention seeking is crazy .


Only if you are eating it

Be nice mate, thatā€™s @backinatracksuit


Not HSE is my understanding. This is overarching guidance for all countries based on evidence to date

But weā€™ve a few lads here on the internet that think a load of hypochondriacs are dictating the show from the bottom up.

ANECDOTAL information: A GP acquaintance says a lot of older and seemingly sicker people are in contact this week on the phone. Last week it was every @Thomas_Brady, Dick & Harry clogging up the phones while some nervous older people self-isolated and hoped for the best as they didnā€™t want to face being admitted to hospital. She thinks these people are now worsening and numbers will spike quite a bit over the coming days based on her experience. Nothing unexpected I guess.


The van would need a hoist.

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Thereā€™s some out there think this was a world wide event orchestrated by governments to sort pension issues out. I dont agree with them.

Stop scaremongering