Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Fair enough… I’m talking about him making out like he’s presssurised government into action when this is absolute bollix and there has been huge strides made already…

You had your chance in Nancys a few years ago and you ran away.

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There’s issues there with internal HSE management as well, ex-nurses gone from frontline care that are slow to release this equipment as they get it

Daft but there you are


All tfk needs now is Niall Harbison and Ray D’Arcy to start attacking Irish public health officials and we’ll be in a tfk alternate universe.

I think across every sector it’s clear to see a lot of people are in the wrong job… Its only once in a life time events like this that truly brings it out…

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That’s some bomb to drop. That will have me thinking

you’ve been annihilated, again.

You are seething so much you want people to die so you are proven right on the internet. Leo has broken you like Klopp broke @Cicero_Dandi

It’s fascinating to watch you tie yourself in knots every day on this.

I’d say you are scared shitless by it all and that’s why you are lashing out. Truth be told everybody is a bit nervous but you have to carry your own shit.

Typical. Revert to hysteria and lies to create a distraction.

I’m savage optimistic the last two days. I think Boris and President Trump have this.


The virus. Or the solution.


The solution

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There’s lads on here who would prefer if Bertie Aherne was in charge, a man full of empathy. A few others think the RA would have it sorted by now.

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Northern Bank style.

they are seething Mary Lou-La turned away when presented with the opportunity to tackle this crisis

Graham has lost it since Covid19 has railroaded his appeal process.

Jaysus. Brady has wintered well

Fucks sake

Dont’ be tagging me, you gobdaw