Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

If you speak out here youre attacked from all quarters… We’ll see the scores of scientists and virologists on here start to put a new spin on things within the hour.

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There seems to be a quite a few young people in the UK dying from this disease.

“by the new time” is a great auld phrase.


The self congratulatory nature of the pro-government spin merchants here over the last few weeks has been most unbecoming.

They’re lucky they’ve had the naked malice of Trump and Johnson to take the heat off them.

Now that UK public opinion has shamed Johnson into some sort of action, our government’s lack of competence is being brought rather sharply into focus.


Leo spent 10 minutes championing the Korean model yesterday. And it was abandoned today.
Cynics might say he’s making it up.

You’re Miles off here… Paddy shouting his mouth off but there is massive work being done here by companies offering to source products from China and Korea . . Like anything there has to be some protocol in place to check how good each lead is… But It is getting done. But sure let’s make this all about the lad who shouts the loudest.

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The competence problem is mainly not due to what has happened over the last three weeks. It’s due to what has happened over the last ten years, you could go back 40 years in truth.

The gospel according to right-wing politics, that of “small government”, has always been pure snake oil.

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Ah here.

Is this what you’ve been reduced to?

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I never claimed that there’s not significant and desperate attempts being made to source more PPE. But the quotes from those medics in that clip on the frontline in St James’ corroborate Cosgrave’s points about the shortage of PPE.

@anon67715551 can explain it to you.

No doubt now that the focus has changed re testing, you’ll be waxing lyrical about some study or other that backs up the change. Repeat tomorrow, the next day, the next day…

With everyone essentially self isolating, there is no fucking point testing anyone unless they are so sick they think they need to go to the hospital. Hypochondriacs like yourself are clogging up the health services at a time when they need to look after people who are actually dying.


Very noticeable in our media, that poultice Ciara Kelly (did she really have the virus) extolling the virtues of our “Current government”, Plank Kenny licking the unelected arse of Regina O"Doherty, sympathising with her difficult plight…


“It’s really hard to get” is code for “prepare for serious shortages”.

I said that 5 hours ago and you lambasted me.

I’m off the medical records now, but your lack of concern was noted tho. I’ll fucking murder you the next time you visit.

It is a difficult plight, but has been made far more difficult by the very ideology they’ve subscribed to for their whole lives.

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I presume it’s some sort of reference to the Ra.

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