Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

You had one of the lads above praising Italy handling of this crisis. He is criticizing Leo. Hard to fathom really.

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We have this I reckon we will hit around 6-8k by mid April and will start tapering off and by the end of April weā€™ll be shot of new daily cases. Everything back to relative normality by mid May.


There will be millions of home testing kits in the UK by the end of the week, available on Amazon. The crisis is over.

Humanitarian Jeff will be giving them away surely

How will this end the crisis? Will only show if you have had it or not, if you donā€™t have it you still have to keep a social distance.

How many in ICU @anon78624367

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well lads, have ye driven yourselves completely coronavirus demented yet?

Herd immunity if lots of people already had it

It would literally change everything.

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Same lad who was calling it as not as bad as the flu until Trump started getting criticised by Rachel Maddow for saying the same?


I reckon half the country has it

Youā€™re in love , fair play . You do that .

Dr Tony will be getting a standing ovation on the Late Late Show in mid May.

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Thereā€™ll be a statue of him outside the CBS on sexton street

Bernie Sanders opposing the relief bill unless it pays people more for staying at home than they would get at work.

You simply couldnā€™t make it up.

Unless youā€™re one of hundreds of women given incorrect smear results.

That was Trumpā€™s fault, surprised you missed that layup.

Thatā€™s the number to watch now really.

This seems to be a cumulative figure as in anyone who has been admitted is on it. I wonder is anyone coming out or are a few of them dead already? If we keep going at that the ICUs will be creaking by next week


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