Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

The planet fucked after some bat took a shit and thereā€™s a lad on the travel channel eating bugs there

Feb 29: 1
Mar 3: 2
Mar 4: 6
Mar 5: 13
Mar 6: 18
Mar 7: 19
Mar 8: 21
Mar 9: 24
Mar 10: 34
Mar 11: 43
Mar 12: 70
Mar 13: 90
Mar 14: 129
Mar 15: 169
Mar 16: 223
Mar 17: 292
Mar 18: 366
Mar 19: 557
Mar 20: 683
Mar 21: 785
Mar 22: 906
Mar 23: 1125
Mar 24: 1329
Mar 25: 1564

March 15th: 169 (+40)
March 16th: 223 (+54)
March 17th: 292 (+69)
March 18th: 366 (+74)
March 19th: 557 (+191)
March 20th: 683 (+126)
March 21st: 785 (+102)
March 22nd: 906 (+121)
March 23rd: 1,125 (+219)
March 24th: 1,329 (+204)
March 25th: 1,564 (+235)

The looney left


How are the 50 million other irish getting on around the world ?

AOC, the hero of the left, says she will block it unless all House members come in an vote in person. Half of them are self isolating. Leftists opposing financial aid to workers, you couldnā€™t make it up.

Who is AOC?

I love that women. Sheā€™s gorgeous.



Should I know her?

Only if you are a communist.

I am. Who is she?

1 Like

A defender of humanity.

Congresswoman from New York.

A great woman. She is what every politician should be.


A gowl


Herd Immunity Herd immunity

Check out all the angry old men that canā€™t stand a woman challenging their world view.


Just donā€™t like liars mate, which of course is most politicians, but she is one of the worst.

Lying at a time like this, she should be ashamed of herself.
Itā€™s no wonder you like her.