Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Itā€™s a fuckin popularity contest.

Or an unpopularity contest, depending on how you look at it

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Itā€™s a good job I donā€™t give a fuck :pleading_face:

All about knowing where to tap the hammer

Some lads take this very seriously. You should try being zen. Its great.

There is no room for Party politics or Cheap point scoring either, Sid.

You positively seem to excel in any mistake the Government make ( while being instructed by Medical Professionals ) but I donā€™t seem to hear any words of praise for trying to stave off economic meltdown etc.

Easy save the world from the cheap seats, Sid.


Big Nev :+1:


In fairness nothing real to gamble on. Does life assurance cover a pandemic or is it classed as an act of god

Whatā€™s PornHub?

Tickle or sore?

Mike Ryan praising the Irish strategy and their ability to to pivot as circumstances change. Itā€™s about prioritizing resources that are by definition not unlimited he says. No perfect answers. Trade offs all the time.

Edit - Mike is from Sligo and from Mayo. The peace line he says. Cc @anon67715551


No Spanish or Eyetalan stats?

At lot of people WFH no doubt (wanking from home)


Leo Leo Leo



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Itā€™s dawning on the Italians that having thousands of people with flus, corona viruses and headcolds gathering in hospitals isnā€™t clever. A handful of them have the bug, the rest are vulnerable to the disease and in a perfectly location for infection. Theyā€™re starting to focus on home treatment in all but the most severe cases. Paddy has the right idea with his outdoor drive through test centres.
If 95% of tests here come back negative then it might be reasonable to assume the stats were similar for italy. Then you have to factor in that the Italians are shocking hypochondriacs whoā€™ll flock to hospital emergency departments at the drop of a hat. Iā€™m not exaggerating. Their hospitals acted as coronavirus distribution and incubation centres.
The cure might be worse than the treatment in this case.

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What about Spain?