Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Not to worry, like everything else that SF have suggested this crisis, the government will do a week later. Construction to cease.

You’d lose your tits fair quick in self isolation if youd no milk for a mugga

Tom Parlon says it’s ok so it must be ok. Right?

More houses…Stop building houses…

Lives come first you horrible blue shirt fascist.

Weren’t you only calling for a full and complete lockdown 2 days ago?

Course they do. ( war council voice over in my head )

[quote=“carryharry, post:3656, topic:30759”]

NHS? Are you mentally ok,

[/quote] He’s based in the UK as has been mentioned a few times on this thread

Great to see you fascinated with new words. Your mind has been blown since I taught you it… But I suppose you Clare yokels only hear enlightened language over the summer months so I can excuse your giddiness here.

His hard hat is way too tight on his melon it appears.

“Giddy” was when you convinced yourself you needed a covid test
You’ve been on an attention-seeking spiral ever since


Time are figures out today


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We’ll have to open a book on the time for tomorrow.
It’s a Friday so I’ll go early 5.45

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Same as yesterday?

I did. There’s a nurse lives close and while I’d prefer they have enough adequate ppe (and pay) I can’t do anything about that.


says the fuckwit that never had an original thought in his life :rofl: you’ve been skulking around here ten years now and look at your posts, they’re all loaded with passive aggression. All of them… And passive aggression is inward anger. You make yourself out to be a bog hero full of zen but you’re easily the most unstable fella on the board with that much inward anger. It won’t be pretty the day it goes off…


the poor creature can’t read either god helpus… I never brought it up bar my original post on it, I let that to others on here like you who took a shot and missed

Harsh but true.

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