Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Itā€™s a superb show and has been right on the ball with this subject with a long list of world experts in the field interviewed each night. Everybody should watch it.

stop the lights, I had to talk my wan out of panic attack as she drove home on the motorway from a 14 hr day in UHL yesterday. The medics know what coming.


I doubled on wan in the garage with a hurley when I was a young lad. Maybe this is their revenge. :pleading_face:

Even though sheā€™s a lesbian he would literally eat her tampon.

Sheā€™s a very smart journalist, but highly deranged. Her coverage of the Trump colluded with Russia story lost MSNBC half their viewers, and should have seen her ran off the network.

Like most journalists and pretend journalists she knows absolutely nothing about medicine or science, her sole aim is to try and make the current US government look bad and undermine them as much as possible.


Youā€™re deranged.

They should have dumped her and kept Matthews.But shes a lesbian and hes an old white man,no contest.

Maddow is the gold standard of US TV political analysis, Mathews is a lecherous old creep who knows sod all and makes Nazi references about Bernie Sanders.

It is sad, but you can see where itā€™s coming from. The current image of ā€œthe Britsā€ in peopleā€™s minds is that of piss stinking butchers apron clad retired plumbers wives from Wigan, waving bingo wings around decrepit faces at Brexit night parties sponsored by wetherspoons, or of Boris and Priti and Cummings, and the rest of that vile clique.
Itā€™ll hopefully morph back into something more middle of the road in due course, but the British national image at the moment is roughly Monsieur et Madame creosote.

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Matthewā€™s has forgotten more about politics than you or Maddow will ever know.The Democrats will soon be out of buisness the way theyre carrying on.Purity tests for everyone.

The military style walks and posture they learn in Templemore and then never do again

No sorry donā€™t accept that. Itā€™s sad really that these people idolise UK football teams and call anyone living in the UK Tans.

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Youā€™re at nothing as a TFK leftie unless youā€™re retweeting multiple American lesbians on a daily basis.


Skangers filming themselves spitting and coughing at elderly people reportedly. Ireland and the uks tolerance of feral scum for decades will lead this having far worse consequences than socially responsible asian countries

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How is everyone?

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Iā€™d say itā€™s just a sad fact tbh

Good mate. I have to say bar a few understandable freak outs the forum seems to have comprehensively got the message and are providing much needed solidarity. Great to have the place at this time


Iā€™m a bit mentally fatigued from it all if Iā€™m being honest.

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Iā€™m just about holding it together.

From the news of it or in general? I watch the news for 20 mins a day, similar time on twitter. It does wonders.

Really good


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