Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Fever Tree


Is this happening?

Its happened

As we speak. No pubs just bed

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I can fire up a bunch of studies later, but there are medical facilities in the US administering this already to patients. The reason they feel comfortable doing this is it’s a drug that has been around for more than a century and has been extensively used, not just for malaria but also for auto-immune diseases like RA and Lupus. It’s seems safe enough as they literally horse it into malaria patients and it cures them.



You need calcium

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Was just about to recommend a pint of milk!! :rofl:


According to the cheese string ads I do.

Fuck the ads. Look at your nails

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Cheers mate

Pint of milk with dinner every night for 20 years haven’t made a difference

Dr David Ho, a world expert in AIDS research, firmly put the tin hat an this last night on the Rachel Maddow show.

Chloroquine may help with recovery by a short time in people who are going to recover anyway. There is no evidence it helps people who would otherwise die.

Trump lied through his teeth yesterday and said Chloroquine had been approved by FDA for COVID-19 treatment. That is a lie.

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Covid - 19
Mayo 1-14

Same old story.


I took Brady for a walk there up on the green a short while ago… Two bats flew up over the tree line and I let out a right few fucks at the bastards. I feel much better after it.


What manoeuvres?Atin a chicken fillet burger while driving?

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I genuinely laughed at that

Will you fuck up about Rachael Maddow.Is that all you watch.