Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

I’m going to get a pallet tomorrow, put it out the back and make a table out of it, surround it with some mismatching chairs, charge myself €6.50 for a bottle of IPA and pretend I’m in Dublin somewhere


The days blurring together and work and home blurring gets a bit tiring after a while. Not even sport on a weekend to mark it out.

My younger lad is 9 on Sunday. I’ve enough chocolate bought to feed @Bandage through the Irishman


CMO in the UK is self isolating now. Boris insisting on shaking paws in hospitals a few weeks ago has riddled the higher ups over there.

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Jaysus there’s a fella in Askayton sitting on a goldmine so

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I have a sheet of rusty auld galvanise you can put against the garden fence.

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It’s his retirement fund.
And if he got rid of them where would people sit?

They’ll have to do a soft opening on a Tuesday or something. Open from 12-6.

People will still go ape. No point in anyone using their annual leave entitlements for the next month.

tenor (24)

The social distancing is after giving me an awful horn. I’m after riding Mrs Barnes twice in the one week for the first time since Dublin beat Kerry in 2011.



Maybe one of our modellers can play with this
They say 7500 cases in Ireland

That lad needs to get out more

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I’d say she can’t wait until a bit of sport comes back on the telly


Swap the knitting for a mobile phone and that’s more or less how it works.

919 dead in Italy. Highest daily number yet there.


Jaysus, they thought they were after getting on top of it some bit

Leitrim will have a higher population than Italy when this is all over