Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

No definitely not and anyone who says he obviously is, is an idiot.

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Donā€™t get too bogged down in this one, I suggest a pivot to blaming the democrats since theyā€™ve made a balls of both New York and California

This new lad is far too deranged to be Sid surely.

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Yeah - theyā€™re jumping every where.

Testing, Testing, Testing.

oi, oi, oi

Where do you think we are on the curve lads?

Because I am going round the bend.

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Two weeks from the peak according to the London crowd two days ago, so 12 days.

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We wonā€™t get a pint in April anyway mate. Iā€™m hoping for the May bank holiday, but thatā€™s very optimistic.

Iā€™m going building a beer garden out the back if it goes on any longer, do Diageo deliver to houses does anyone know?

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Itā€™s very hard to tell mateā€¦ weā€™ve had different stages of measures taken to stop social activity so itā€™s hard to tell when the results of that truly kick inā€¦ I think weā€™re only about half way up the mountain ourselves , if even-I think thereā€™s a few tough weeks ahead but I think by May we might see our own flatten

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Imagine the next curve when the Irish are let loose.

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They actually canā€™t lift the restrictions, weā€™ll go buck ape.


Do lads still sell Kegs of beer for cash to the pubs that canā€™t get credit from the higher up companies?

It would be a great 2 weeks tho.

Weā€™ll be grand.

A weekend would do me, fuck it a couple of hours at this stage


Yeah on the sly

DUB like something from a horror film today. Absolutely deserted

Yes. Often a large or long established pub in a town will act as a wholesaler to others. It drives diageo and Heineken mad.

The keg itself costs over 100e and they do struggle to recover them

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