Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

No, youā€™ve a millions tonnes of will power so itā€™s not an option.

Seems a bit contradictory.

Left Ball - Right Ball

One sack.

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Joe Quaid only got two of those.

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Will this be on virgin1?


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Trains and buses cut by 80%

Exercise is key. A good run or work out cleanses the mind and the soul.


Just opened a bottle, Leo is gonna lock us down tonight. Tomorrow will be operation stock up on cans

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I doubt heā€™ll lock down the supermarkets mate

Lockdown is leaving the house once a day or every 3 days to get food and thats it, we have a mickey mouse lock down in London which is bad enough, In Ireland you can still go wherever you want ffs

Already done that. Six pack of baked beans and spaghetti hoops each.

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@binkybarnes missus must be locking herself in the attic


A national government formed by those parties who want to govern

Eejits talking about the Seanad here. Canā€™t bring in any more new measures without a new Seanad and a new government. Thatā€™s that, then, I guess.

Up yer bollix

the daily highs and lows are savage, thereā€™s lads living completely in their own head, being feed a constant stream of anxiety by the likes of rte and bbc

Unbelievable. The fucking Seanad. For fuck sake.

I really think RTE would do the national mood a great service by sacking George Lee. Heā€™d depress a nation