Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

If he is announcing that Meehawl is taking over we’d all be better off in Italy

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Stay off here and off social media. Watch news once a day. Do your work. Spend time with family. Go for a run or a walk or do an Instagram exercise class. Read a book. Make a playlist. Write a poem. Start a book.

This will pass pal. We all have a wobble each day or for some time each day. It’s a surreal experience but will come through it.


For what?

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First health care worker has died of the virus. In the east of the country.

Don’t be so.glib

Relax kid… Just keep doing what you’re doing.

Have you told Paddy Cosgrave?

No surprise given the number infected.
37 doctors dead in Italy.

we need to hold our nerve lads, it will get worse yet before it gets better


74 priests even more seriously


Just take one day at a time. You can only worry about what’s in front of you.


that my mantra.


Quite appropriate that there are three lines on that graph, one in green, one in white and one in red.

I’m on the phone to Ireland there now daily, jesus some lads are losing there minds, keep calm lads, we can’t control the uncontrollable, stop the watching the fucking news 24/7


Never has your health is your wealth ever felt more apt at this time

The natural history museum would seem a more appropriate location?

Jesus, I’d love a fag

if i may be serious, being on thread like this, or boards or twitter or all that shite every waking hour, it will drive you fucking insane, try doing some actual work if you are meant to be working from home, its a skill that takes years or even some professional development


Keep your own family safe lads, stay off the grid, wash your hands more & have less arguments with your partners.

This summer is going to test our resolve, we will say goodbye to important parts of our lives but we must look forward.

If we all practice personal responsibility then we will come through this, now is not the time for selfish acts.


Does that mean I can’t have a fag?