Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

In any environment itā€™s worth a swerve


Supermacs it is

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Iā€™m going to hug the fuck out of everyone to denormalize this distance

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I remember talking to people in Christchurch a few years after the quake. They said the place had gone wild, people doing drugs, having affairs, outlandish purchases. Basically when they realised how fragile life is they grabbed it by both hands in a way. If theres many deaths here i see similar happening.

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Did they give out the county numbers today?

Thereā€™ll be a huge mother fucking party when this cunt is beaten back to hell.

Weā€™ll grieve the fallen and weā€™ll drink and weā€™ll live. Its our duty


Iā€™m heading straight to Murphyā€™s

Iā€™ll buy you a pint

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Once people realise nothing is guaranteed all bets are off

He owes me a few pints

Dubs 1-15 are unchanged.


Iā€™ll drink a half of them

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This means no full lock down

Mathews is a moron. Even @labane1917 agreed when he posted such under his ā€œDreamsBurnDownā€ log in on

Em, Biden will be the candidate. Perhaps youā€™ve been avoiding the news. If like yourself, Biden dismisses progressives who, letā€™s face it, are correct on pretty much everything, he will likely lose.

Only a fool would argue otherwise

Let me get this right, your saying labane has made contradictory posts under a different username ?

Shocked if true.

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Jesus thats fighting talk

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Thought Tony Holohan gave clear message on LLs tonight that the full lockdown was coming. Logic why its not in yetā€¦if you bring it in too early fellas wont abide by it when its most needed.

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Triple penetrated?