Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

I only have the one username mate, whether itā€™s here, previously on AFR, or anywhere else.

I donā€™t get people who have to run and hide from themselves online.

How is doing drugs and having affairs grabbing life? . People usually engage in both because they are fcukin miserableā€¦


His press conferences every evening live on RTE News Now have become a daily staple for us. My life partner calls him Doctor Tony, as if she knows him. Heā€™s a very assured media performer and has a nice way about him when answering questions. I also like to see which of his rolling cast of comrades are accompanying him on any given day - my favourites are Dr Colm Henry and Dr Cillian De Gascun. Pity @Sidney is banned for the next 1,000 years - heā€™d surely have done a coronavirus medical XI in a 4-4-2 formation by now.

Edit: Actually Doctor Sam McConkey is my favourite.


Most influential covid 19 11 on my Twitter timeline

                        Simon coveney

Paddy Cosgrove. Tony Holohan. Cillian de Gas

         Paul reid.                Simon harris

Tubs. @newschambers. @ gavreilly

         Gaz smith.             Anthony o Connor
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Plenty engage in them that arenā€™t at all miserable. The idea being that they suddenly realise things are finite so just do what they want, norms be damned.

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But theyā€™re short term thrills to fill a voidā€¦ Theyā€™re miserable but just donā€™t know itā€¦

Heā€™s stoned. More power to him

Brits, wops and chinks have to go. The Nigerians can stay.

Howā€™s your flat mate keeping?

Sheā€™s grand. I had a sore throat today, that terrified her.

You both terrify each other. This was the theory of mutually assured destruction, or MAD, a theory developed by the mathematican John Nash. And for the origins of that theory, we must go back to the dark days of the Cold War.

And then the strangest thing happenedā€¦

Tough one here for labane1917.

Heā€™s praised Dr. Fauci, but heā€™s gone all in on this chloroquine as a miracle cure.

As Conor McNamara would say, something has to give.

Door number 3 please Bob.

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Anyone think Tony Holohan is the bulb of perennial COTY John Bruton?

I canā€™t warm to him because of it.



Gdinga dinga, Sharks are in the wahtah?

Irish backpackers refusing to respect our social distancing advice. We were left with no option.

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It wonā€™t ever be fully beaten.
It will subside.
Until the next time.
Itā€™s a fact of life, always has been.