Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Today is the first day I’ve truly despaired.

We desperately need the Italians to turn a corner so we can see that their measures work. They’ve been in lockdown since March 9th and they’re still utterly fucked.

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They are fucking thriving on it. Shower of cunts.

Do I have to go to work tomorrow lads? I’m semi-essential

Does this mean we are not following the South Korean model anymore?

I’d sleep with one eye open for the next couple of weeks

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Least slowed down we have chance to add more beds in meantime. The likes of croom is completely empty now Id say with no electives going on. Must be dozens of similar facilities around

Let me guess,




It looks like the worst possible cohort have caught it. The crayturs.

George Lee is a stuttering fuck alongside him

Loads of reports that young people were ignoring curfew

We can do this. We will do this. Happier times are just around the corner.

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We’ll get there bud. We’ve taken measures earlier than most countries.

I’m really hoping we get some good news from somewhere soon. A sign the cunt of a thing is retreating and beatable

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it needs to beaten onto those cunts, i saw that stupid video this morning with the lad with the limerick accent threatening all sorts, thats what needs to happen in reality


Paul fucking Reynolds.

They’re all fucking getting in on it

Have a good rant on here for an hour then step back from the virus talk and news guys, will do ye no good. Time to rewatch your favorite ever films and shows and give loved ones a shout.

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The movement of focus from number of cases to number of deaths recently has had me despairing.

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the drug trade and prostitution is gone to hell I’d say

I still think our death rate is very very very low

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The poor brazzers are living on bread and water

They’ve more cash than any of us