Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

I really hope the yanks aren’t first to come up with a vaccine. Can you imagine some pub in the temple bar in 10 years time. “Y’all be speakin wuhan now if it wasn’t for us”


Wonderful sentiments from Bressie


Until he starts looking for royalties for that post

663 unread posts. Some questions

  1. Where are we on the scale of fucked to grand?
  2. Restrictions seem sensible and good timing given the last 2 weekends introduced unnecessary stuff in pubs and public places. Anything I’m missing?
  3. Presume the rural lads are up in arms about he 2km thing but sure it won’t be policed there so they’ll be grand?
  4. Any info yet on what cocooning actually means in real terms?

We have done a collective uturn and suffered selective amnesia with regards to many public figures during this crisis. They are now being held up as paragons of virtue for impressive soundbites. Bressie should also be extended a temporary amnesty also.

Leo flagged cocooning early days, now it here

do he and Dr Tony know exactly what is coming?

We’re all farmers now

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He flagged it but didn’t give details on it. He also dodged the question on it tonight.

Will the co ops still be open?

Page 4 here:

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Handy. Be fuck all drink driving checks now with the pubs closed too so yee can booze away above in the cab

If grand is zero and completely and utterly fucked is 10, we’re about 7 or 7.5.



Not really.

A Bressie or Richard Sadlier poll would be interesting. Which one if you HAD to endure for an evening would you choose.

Apparently a woman who was born before the Spanish flu recovered from the corona virus due to the antibodies she had from the Spanish flu.

They’re both as bad as each other so it’s lesser of 3 evils. Both have tried to coin it off schools, both have outright lied about their lives to further their current careers, both have failed massively in many ways. I’d probably end up killing whichever one I’d have to endure so on that basis it wouldn’t really bother me I guess…

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All you had to say was “none of the above”