Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Deadly men for climbing up the sides of supermarkets. Very game.

I never met a Polak that couldnt scale a supermarket.

I’ve never been. I’d love to go. Not on a stag or any of that shit, but with the family and see the place. We’ve polish neighbours and they’re salt of the earth. Yer wan is some ride and she’s always dropping over cakes and bread she baked.

The peninsula is taking this lockdown seriously at last. I was out walking the dogs there earlier and there were very few people out and about. Maybe all the visitors are finally staying the fuck away. And no cyclists in Lycra. :pray::pray:

There were two guards on bikes out and about I’d imagine patrolling to break up gangs of yutes.

You dirty bastard.

Poland is great. Apart from the Balbecs they;'re sound out.

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She calls over for the cuppa and the chat with my missus. My missus is a world class talker and listener. Half the fucking parish does call to the house, or did when times were normal

Sounds like she is looking for a belt of your slippery Pole?

She gives them to everyone, she took paddy’s day more serious than any of the Irish families. She baked green cookies for all the kids and left them hanging on the doors and they had big Irish flags out.


36 cases In limerick

Ireland is a better place because of immigrants.


Give all the figures, or none at all.

Especially the Irish ones in Australia (with the exception of @Chucks_Nwoko and @Fitzy of course)


What was the expression? If the Dutch had Ireland they would feed the world. If the Irish had the Netherlands, it would sink.

Your particular brand of posting is very grating these times.

When this is over don’t let the gate hit your hole on the way out

On this forum , I’ll take that as a serious compliment! :slight_smile:

I mean when you’re getting the fuck out of the country you clearly despise…

Hang around here. I’d love to see if youd be happier somewhere else.

Bla bla bla

This is worth a watch

889 more deaths in Italy