Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Some old people are bold alright. My life partner’s auld lad was the same when she rang him after Varadkar’s speech last night. Took a defensive and then confrontational tone and said he’d go wherever he wanted.

His blatant refusal to follow instructions and his brazenness reminded me of my late nana when a new roundabout was built near her house.

A straight-line pathway parallel to the road was replaced by a curved path with a railing separating it from the road and then a pedestrian crossing a good bit up along the curve. So she used to walk outside the railing on the main road to get from A to B as the crow flies instead of the curvy route. Cars and lorries beeping her out of it and she strolling nonchalantly along without flinching.


Sweden also have looser rules than most other countries. They’re recent numbers are also trending the wrong way. Will be interesting to see how they continue to trend.

Half the day on the phone to the parents there, they won’t comply with cocooning, in terms of going for walks up the burren or the shop in the local village. All I could get was a guarantee not to go to Ennis. Things are bad enough without having to deal with this lark


Netherlands is nearly twice the size of Munster

The brits are saying they expect the virus to peak on April 12th.

There wasn’t much Dutch resistance in May 1940. The Nazis had it all wrapped up in about four days.

negotiating that they not go to Ennis was probably as good as could be achieved!

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They are in safe hands

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They’ll probably collaborate with the virus for survival.


Ah lads. This guy had symptoms and still carried on his merry way. FFS sake.


Ah stop they would make @balbecs crowd look like heros such was there lack of fight during WW2, gutless.

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The article is full of self pity too, what a cunt.


The Poles fought hard but fighting horseback wasn’t going to cut the mustard against the Nazi panzer divisions.

The polish resistance was the biggest resistance movement in Europe. They had soldiers in almost every battle with other countries too.

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a savage amount of them fought in the battle of Britain for the RAF and then after, the poles are alright sorts, I had a very good experience there last summer. There’s a lad in Morden who is savage at sorting out the jacks too when it goes tits up blocked with shite



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That is incorrect mate, in more than one aspect.

They’re sound lads. I played soccer with a good few of them when they first started coming over.

I was in Wroclaw there last summer, it more a German type city but it was lovely, great drink and grub, very cheap and the weather was unreal. Please god I will go back some day if I can survive this crisis