Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

He’s a Traveller.

Hi yourself, is that for @eoghanruadha ,@Tassotti or both in the wonderful world of E Personas?

Lads when was the last death in the country due to a road accident?


I see

How is Florida doing? Youd be genuinely worried because of the age of people there given what is happening in Lombardy


very true

Scumbags be scumming

This baldy cunt again.

Climate action. Fuuuck offff

Brits think they’ll be doing well to keep it below 20K deaths. They just passed 1K today.

Lads who’s the baldy fella, I didnt catch his name the last two nights because I was busy giving out to the missus about him.

He’s like Ron Burgundy without hair

After-timing. Too little too late. This was only done after Cubans, Chinese and Russians had come to the rescue. There hand was forced through sheer embarrassment.

Especially given the amount of fuck heads that expressly insisted their Spring Break rituals would not be affected by any Health Warnings.

The absolute cunts.

Do you mean that incredibly annoying US correspondent Brian O’Donovan?

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What is that accent ?

He’d bring a monk to the boil

The open borders thing has to go. It’s a ludacris idea at the best of times.