Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

The manufacturers of coke. :sweat_smile:

Party is on lads

54 deaths, so doing ok currently given its population. Has been posted previously but good breakdown by country and region here:


Itā€™s amazing to see somebody argiung that EU countries shouldnā€™t be giving vital humanitarian aid a few minutes after they argued the opposite.

Flights in there every day from New York. Wonā€™t be good.

Fuck sake. What the fuck is wrong with people.

Itā€™s not 2 anyway. Most people who had tickets to that game are season ticket holders, and most of them are scousers. Itā€™s really hard to get tickets to a big game at anfield

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The Washington correspondent role seems to be like the Joker role where the actor goes deranged or if you were looking at the Charlie Bird documentary when he was in the role there were parallels with the shining. Very strange behaviour from Brian in recent nights alright.

Yeah really hard to get tickets, any time Iā€™ve been there was a result of a season ticket holder ā€œgivin a loanā€ and to be fair there is still a local feel.

Earlier commentary was tongue in cheek but genuinely think Athletico Marid should not have been allowed to town.

Lads were well warned, but they were praying it would go ahead regardless. With the benefit of hindsight theyā€™d go again.

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At one stage is was odds on to be cancelled because it was presumed that noone could be that stupid.

Fucking awful stuff. A lad I know a little would be a big Liverpool fan and travels to their games a good bit. His dad is meant to be in a bad way with this cunt of a virus. Local gossipers have it going around the lad was at the last Liverpool game and poisoned his dad with it when he came back. Poor lad was in work the whole of that week. There is some idiots around the place. Iā€™m losing faith in our ability to get through this.

Iā€™ve always thought he was a weirdo back from his TV3 (as it was then) days. I think heā€™s regularly wound me up over on the RTƉ correspondents thread. I just find his exaggerated movements, stooping, gurning and other facial expressions, and over emphasis on certain words very irritating. Itā€™s irrational but he irks me.

Iā€™m trying to think if a comparable act of national treachery. I guess whenever Diarmuid MacMurrough made Aoife marry Strongbow to regain the throne of Leinster was worse but beyond that I cant think of anything.

14 good Irishmen died today because if the lads who went to Cheltenham, think about that.

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Yea I was watching it last night and thought this was bizarre. I was thinking is this some kind of side bet between him and the cameraman or an inside joke with Sharon back in the studio. Obviously not

Ah jesus. Lads this is fucking horrific.

Thatā€™s too sad. Iā€™ll say a prayer for this family tonight.

The poor man at home and his wife being lowered.
