Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Obviously you have to be a card carrying metrosexual bellend to be allowed wear this, right?

Had to go to the co-op for a bucket of lick there. I heard the sniggersā€¦ But you couldnā€™t be taken any chances.


You might have jaundice

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Down in Super Valu there doing a shop earlier. About a twenty minute queue to get in which wasnā€™t bad.

Thought they were giving the elderly priority.


Too proud to mix it with the oldies?

There was a fella in kinvara (RIP Mick) who didnā€™t claim the pension for the first year or two out of pure shame.

Starbucks was open in Sutton.

was it takeaway only? Iā€™m hearing the young lads are not taking it serious in Ireland

7m south Africans are HIV positive and 12m live in townships. South Africa could be worst hit by this

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Its frightening to think about it.

A candidate for the TNH section. I remember the 1st day I collected it (Collect in person on day 1). I turned away and gave the assembled crowd (3) a Waterford level of fist-pump with a lusty ā€œIā€™ve reached itā€.
Weā€™re never too embarrassed here to lift handy money.



Heat movie shootout scene eat your heart out.

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Was the Cock N Bull not demolished some years ago?

Deaths +324 Total 1326
Cases + 5000 Total 24,926
Fines for flouting lockdown 31,000, arrests 350

Police stopped a couple caught having sex in a parked car in the street in the Madrid neighbourhood of Villaverde.

They were told to go home after claiming they could not get intimate with each other where they lived because they shared with too many people.

Several people were fined by police in Alicante after they discovered they were taking it in turns to walk the same dog.

Another four people were fined after police aborted a rave at a hotel nightclub in Leganes near the Spanish capital in the early hours of Thursday morning.

A South American man was arrested by police in Malaga on Thursday near the cityā€™z Maria Zambrano train station after going up to strangers in the street and hugging them without their consent.

On Tuesday a 40-year-old woman was arrested near the northern Spanish city of Zaragoza for spitting at police officers called to her house following a disturbance. A coronavirus test on her came back positive on Thursday.

The state of emergency introduced just before midnight last Saturday in Spain limits peoplesā€™ ability to leave their homes.

Going to work and supermarkets to buy food is allowed as is a short walk with your dog near your normal place of residence so it can pee and poop. Going for a jog or a cycle, even on your own, is not allowed.

Clothes shops, pubs, restaurants, theatres and cinemas are closed.

The lockdown is due to last a fortnight but Spanish government ministers have already said they expect to have to extend it and warned the next few days will be the worst so far.

There was a lad sitting down outside drinking a cofffee and smoking a fag. I suppose heā€™s a goner anyway.

The Spanish have awful problems with authority, it has to be bate into them


Spitting at the best of times is not cool but any cunt spitting at a policeman in the current climate should be straight behind bars.


they all smoke out there too, I have never seen any country like it for smoking

I was particularly grossed out by this around two weeks ago. I was on a bus from Galway to Dublin at 7:15am one Monday morning on the way to a funeral and could feel my skeleton almost trying to jump out of my skin as the bus got stuck in traffic on the Monivea Road as I kept reading about the virus on my phone, which I didnā€™t even want to touch such was my grossed out-ness. But I feel a tremendous inner peace over the last few days and that grossed out feeling has long departed. This is like the blitz except I get to go on the internet all day every day.

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