Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Even as a Blueshirt apologist Iā€™ve never warmed to Harris but in fairness to him his messaging on this has been very good.


Heā€™s gonna have some crack maintain that hair over the coming weeks all the same

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Heā€™s a tremendous minister for Health. He was one of the first in the world to provide drugs for CF patients free of charge, that would normally have cost 200k a year, he literally saved peoples lives.


India is next to be fucked another billion there and they all on top of eachother

Went into Dunnes in Jetland this morning at nine and there was about 100 people queuing up outside it. Drove 2 minutes down the road to Tesco and no one was in there. People are idiots.

You canā€™t get fresh sushi, Himalayan salt aged beef or Paul Galvin designed dressing gowns in Tesco you mug


Compare and contrast him with robin swan. Swan has barely even mentioned testing or tracking down possible carriers.

Youā€™d sooner starve than get yellowpack salt in Tesco ffs.


the africans are riddled with all sorts- and its not exactly a top travel destination at the best of times id imagine from china aside from the fellas building roads to steal whatever natural resources they have,
give it time tho - itll get there

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The DUP seem to be to Unionism right now as to what one of those mentally insane family members who carries out a murder suicide on their families. They will have delivered a United Ireland in the next 10 years.

Yesterday in the local SuperValu was the first time it struck me that a lot of people were wearing them. It was a very odd exception before that. There are also loads of people going around with scarves covering the mouth and nose area.

Masks reduce the risk of you spreading it if youā€™re infected. They do absolutely sweet fa about stopping you getting it.

thereā€™s a case put forward that it stops you touching your nose and mouth

Heā€™s UUP though.

Oh right, ah same thing, like Sprite Zero and Sprite.

Obviously due to this Coronavirus shite alot of people are extremely anxious and stressed out at the moment. Anxiety triggers your flight-or-fight stress response and release a flood of chemicals and hormones, like adrenaline, into your system.In the short term, this increases your pulse and breathing rate, so your brain can get more oxygen. This prepares you to respond appropriately to an intense situation. Your immune system may even get a brief boost. With occasional stress, your body returns to normal functioning when the stress passes.
But if you repeatedly feel anxious and stressed or it lasts a long time, your body never gets the signal to return to normal functioning. This can weaken your immune system, leaving you more vulnerable to viral infections etc. So basically we have a double edged sword situation. I suggest get on YouTube, learn some meditation techniques, clear your mind and live in the moment.


Apparently you should open doors with other ā€œweaker handā€ so that if you do touch your face youā€™re more likely to touch it with your ā€œstronger handā€

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Fuck the lot of them up at stormont. Itā€™s become the dead swamp of mediocre councillors. Paisley, McGuinness or Robinson could have acted and united at a time like this. Arlene and Michelle are window dressing for an empty shop. At least oā€™dowd opened his mouth before allowing a bunch of women to close him down.
The whole thing is about to collapse around them.

Youā€™re dredging deep there buddy. Shocking.