Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

I heard the pangolians got together with the bats and orchestrated the whole thing…

Pretty sure the lads commemorated in that didn’t get over it. They died.


I’ve seen more helicopters flying around the past few days. Would it be the army or Air ambulances?

what they are sending is pure shit, its a pr exercise for them, I have better facemasks here in my gaff ffs, the usual idiots on twitter and the likes bawling crying with happiness, guillable idiots, China are scum


Where did you see mention that the gear was shoddy?

They are sending us the equivalent of cheap Chinese phone chargers that wreck your phone

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they have sent a load of cheap crap to Italy and Holland that isn’t worth a curse apparently, all they want is the photo op of lads getting of the plane in Milan and Amsterdam waving a Chinese flag “oh look, here is the Chinese lads going to save the country” the dirty bastards after what they have done to the planet

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But where are you hearing or better still reading that?

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I know what they are at. I know what they are like. In my professional role I have been out there a few times in the last few years visiting factories to inspect their QA systems. We’d buy cladding systems, they are a fucking joke


That article doesn’t say anything… It came from bats . It passed through another creature. Then onto humans. There’s very, very, very good chance that happened in a wet market which is a powder keg waiting to go off.

It seems western nations, including those lauded as ideal for healthcare in Europe, are desperate and buying it from any supplier they can. China are all about the positive PR of sourcing it directly from the CCP and their acolytes line Alibaba, this a couple of months after they wanted to keep it hush that the west were helping them over their outbreak.

How can Conor McGregor and Paddy Cosgrave, two people desperate for positive PR in Ireland, both give the exact same amount of PPE to hospitals here? That’s PPE sourced through Jack Ma (in Cosgrave’s case, not 100% sure on McGregor) the Chinese Communist Party’s very own tech bro. All of this very widely publicised by all parties. How are tech bros and MMA fighters sourcing this stuff ahead of western nations who have essentially said they will pay whatever it takes for it?


He’s been making excuses for weeks, won’t hear of any criticism of the CCP or Chinese eating habits.

A truly bizarre position, but it’s TFK.

Wasn’t Pangolin that Italian bloke who briefly managed Swansea a few years back?

There is no defending those practices.

when this is over, wetmarkets if they are still going, should be the subject of drone strikes


Anyone atin bats needs jailing.

Not when we have had several similar outbreaks previously that could kill everyone on the planet if the virus has the right properties.

Could just be a power play, hold on and ride in like heros at the end. Instability elsewhere suits them too

@anon78624367 's wife must be Chinese. He’s been banging this drum for the last three weeks.