Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Is there any animal safe from China/Asia? Was watching a Steve Backshall programme on BBC 1 before the Pangolin one and he was saying that sharks are caught and there fins are cut off and they are just fucked back in the sea whether they are dead or alive, all for shark fin soup. Pangolin the same as well as tigers.

One measure is supposedly kids returning to school in coming weeks. Every child has to wear a mask which with single use masks could shift through serious numbers in no time.

Iā€™m too old for those buzzwords

Any numbers today yet?

Seemingly some hospitals still prescribe pangolians scales to treat cancer.
Pure mumbo jumbo nonsense. There was a big PR campaign undertaken last year in China. It was spear headed by some hot bit of stuff to try to get people to cop on and leave the poor creatures be.

Here she isā€¦ one for the lovely ladies thread ā€¦


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So the Chineee made stuff is shit?
Whatever happened the made in Japan craze. Would the Japs be a good port of call for masks etc? Or the South Koreans?

Its all mumbo jumbo same with the shark fin soup supposedly improving skin quality and potency, its the same with Tiger parts supposedly helping with Malaria and insomnia. Add in the poor Rhino as well where they cut off its horn because it is suppose to used to treat fever, rheumatism and gout. You would think an intelligent race like the chinese would have coped in that this is a load of shite.

Chick-fil-a changed their advertising. :slight_smile:

Speaking of Japan, I cogged these posts from last Monday and Tuesday from another forum:

Iā€™ve lived in Japan for what would be called a long time now and I can tell you that recently many Japanese have decided to believe the govt here that wants the Olympics at all costs - even potentially the lives of citizens and residents. Japanese people are now getting into the mode of thereā€™s nothing to see, Japan is the outlier, look at how bad everywhere else is, etc. Over a 1,000 cases and 35 deaths - looks much better than elsewhere doesnā€™t it?

Iā€™ll tell you why the stats are so low for a country with 125 million people - around 121 people per 1 million are being tested. If that. Thatā€™s right, no testing no problem! Doctors who have been exposed to patients with COVID-19 have been refused tests to give you some idea of this disgraceful ā€˜strategy.ā€™ Most people who have symptoms similar to the virus have been denied tests and told to stay at home. As somebody who lives here I can tell you I donā€™t feel very safe with this official policy.

More food for thought - Japan regularly doesnā€™t do autopsies. I bet you some deaths have only been listed as heart trouble etc as the virus is most hard on those with underlying conditions. This game of chance being played out has already had a disturbing trend - cases have jumped in the Kansai area which is not where Tokyo is. Osaka and Kobe are the cities in Kansai and cases are growing quickly there.

The Japanese for the most are incredibly nationalistic, even the young ones, and they are prematurely congratulating themselves on Japan being cleaner and more superior to everywhere else. Crowds are flocking together again, hand sanitizers have disappeared from some places and people are planning overseas travel. Thank God my country banned all non citizens or residents or weā€™d have many Japanese tourists coming and spreading the virus.

Expect to hear about a big movement upwards in numbers over the next month or so. Or expect as I do that the Japanese Government will do everything it can to conceal them by maintaining low levels of testing. Scumbags.

Just some info to put into perspective the current denialist nonsense going on in Japan especially in its largest city Tokyo - little Adelaide in South Australia has around 1 million people and has conducted around 17,800 tests so far.

Japan with 125 million people including Tokyo with 13 million has not even conducted half of that number of tests. Having lived here for some time, I even doubt the right wing Government here, no not centre right, right wing, will be honest if thereā€™s a likely sharp increase in cases. Japan is claiming around less than 1,100 cases. It has now 45 deaths although some websites are not up to date and list the number as 42.

Itā€™s fair to assume the real number of cases is at least 2,500. The COVID-19 deaths will most likely be more and explained away by pre-existing conditions with no reference to the virus. Japan does few autopsies and is reasonably close to the Chinese Government in its censoriousness although still a basic democracy. One of its medical experts called the Govt out for its handling of the Diamond Princess Cruise Ship especially the exposure of ship staff. He later backtracked on social media. Sorry I canā€™t recall his name.

I enjoy living and working here but I refuse to be a cheerleader for the facade that Japan puts up. There are many decent people here and they deserve better, both Japanese and foreigners.

Thereā€™s a poster here who comes on and posts misleading info re Japan - ignore him or her, they live out in the sticks in a prefecture called Fukuyama which has nothing to do with big cities like Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya and Fukuoka. Fukuokaā€™s numbers are laughably low - supposedly 5 cases, oh yes. Itā€™s a very popular tourist destination. I used to live there. Look Mum - No Tests, No Virus!

Yes - my bad, in a different post I wrote that Japan has done half the tests of the state of South Australia - city is Adelaide, about one million people - which had done 17,800 tests by the 23rd of March, probably more now. My mistake.

Just see the disparity - 125 million people in Japan, about 25 million people in Australia and the figure above is from one city. This is all part of a wider problem in political life here.

The Japanese media and different Japanese people Iā€™ve talked to keep telling me how right wing and extremist Trump and the US Govt is. Thereā€™s very little scrutiny of their own political culture, still heavily connected to the far right that destroyed Japanā€™s pre-World War 2 developing democracy and dragged the country down the dark tunnel of fascism.

Key members of the current J Government are the grandchildren of war criminals - and they have never distanced themselves from what was done by them, in fact the current leader of Japan, Abe, has publicly whinged about supposedly unfair criticism of his grandfather. This Governmentā€™s first instinct is to be censorious and secretive. Iā€™m not at all surprised by how small the test numbers are compared to the population.

Japanese import them from China as donā€™t typically manufacturer low value good these days.

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Not all of it. Seems at what is being let out of China tho is not from its top grade material.

At the 1986 World Cup in Mexico, Vasily Rats of the USSR scored a goal by powering a shot past Franceā€™s goalkeeper Joel Bats.

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Jaysus she is nice,I think she is in ā€˜the great wallā€™.

@Dziekanowski what did you make of the Irish figures today?

It was in the Italy 90 sticker book, in the section where they recreated famous goals, ā€œRats Beats Batsā€.

In a pre-Internet time, I got a great buzz when Iā€™d see a replay of one of those goals for the first time.


I believe somebody may have even posted a photo of the relevant page on this forum once.

So Iā€™m told anyway.

ā€œBloody Muslims, cominā€™ over ā€˜ere and savinā€™ our lives, you couldnā€™t be up to them.ā€

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You canā€™t read too much into the numbers for one day but a few days of that would be positive.