Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

That’s not the Panini sticker book.

No Orbis for some reason interrupted the Monopoly - Panini did all the English league ones for sure.
Are these worth anything now ?

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Surprised he didn’t just rip out the pump and fire it 80 yards up the road to nobody in particular.


Not surprised to see he is on the ground already


He cant believe he hasn’t gotton a free .

Poor auld John Prine struck down and in critical condition.

Hands down the greatest 15 seconds of TV ever made right there

Its class . Have not heard it since. Noticeably Cloughs accent seems monotonous and acceptable, at the time I remember it being hilarious that someone would talk like that.


Clough practically invented twitter, just imagine him on it in his pomp now, Trump wouldn’t get a look in :grinning:

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There’s some good news coming out of Australia’s coronavirus outbreak today with our strict quarantine measures appearing to begin to flatten the curve.

Deputy Chief Medical Officer Dr Paul Kelly told reporters this afternoon the previous steep rise of coronavirus cases had begun to stabilise.

“On the good news, we have noticed a decrease in the number of cases in terms of the increase every day, if that makes sense. While we were on a steep rise a week ago, that has stabilised over the last few days and that is good news,” Dr Kelly said.

The drop in new cases is probably due to Australia closing its borders, Dr Kelly said.

“That measure we took over two weeks ago is starting to bite and so very few people, Australians, are coming back from overseas now and that is decreasing the numbers we are getting from that,” he said.

Despite the drop in cases, Dr Kelly said this was not the time to become complacent.

“This is not the time to take the foot off the brake,” he said.

"We really need to redouble our efforts to work as a society to make sure we are doing everything we can to slow the spread of the virus.

“This is about saving lives and making sure that particularly our vulnerable members of our community, elderly people and those with other conditions including lung disease, heart disease, diabetes and other chronic diseases, are protected and we all have a role in that.”



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Australia has done an excellent job, and rates high on pandemic preparedness. Being an island helps, healthy population, and probably decent health care I would imagine.

Given we typically encounter flu season towards the end of April, it’s vital for us in the southern hemisphere to get this under control. When you factor in the annual winter pneumonia & flu cases, I’m still very wary of the coming months.

We don’t know yet how much this is influenced by temperature, so may not be like the seasonal flu. Best to just avoid any chance of giving it to others, just assume you have it.

Ah shit. John Prine is an alright sort

Fair dinkum

Where can those graphs be viewed mate?

In the post you’re replying to pal.

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The below is from the maps thread on boards, some interesting comparisons to the rate of deaths from Covid-19 could be drawn: