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What were you doing on Boards?

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Look at the Distractions thread

26% of TFKers dont wash their hands

The Dutch are filthy


This isn’t great to hear but was talking to an ex-colleague just there. He was telling me that an employee of his rang him this morning saying he can’t and won’t go to work. The employee lives on the Island in Limerick where local drug dealers were going door to door yesterday looking for copies or the actual letters that have been given out by their employers so that they can go about their business.


The Turks, well done @Rocko :clap:

Where did you copy that from? — The drug dealers down d’island would be well known and a dog with a mallet up his hole would know those cunts never worked a day in their life … plus, those fuckers never leave d’island so im not sure what they’d want letters for. There also aint too many people left living in St. Mary’s Park that work.


They provide an essential service with their coal delivery.

Are they still at that?

No idea, was the family “business” for decades though!

And their close associates were bakers

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They’ll probably “close” for the few weeks and claim the 350 a week now…


The branch car following the bread van around on the rounds :grin:

The Island is nothing but boarded up houses these days… @Locke is lying to the forum, again.

Strange time for the lads to start worrying about the Guards

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Id say 80% of the population inside there are over 75.

The CCP are gas cunts. An authoritarian Regime that can weld cunts into their houses but can’t stop them from atein’ Pangolin’s, native to Africa and other weird shite. I don’t think that they are trying very hard to be honest.

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Pangolins are sound. The bats have wronged them here …

When did I lie to the forum before, pal?

I wouldn’t ate a bat. Have some standards.

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