Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

I see that fucker Orban in Hungary is giving himself dictatorial powers to help with the crisis. Thatā€™s the complete end of Hungary as a democracy anyway. The EU will need to kick them out as soon as everything else is sorted

Hungary hasnā€™t been a democracy for quite some time.

Orban and Cummings would be a dream team.
A bit of healthy competition for the EU

I know, but even the pretence is gone now. The EU have been very weak on this.

Fine Gael have been very weak too.

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Whats a good cheap van. I have a fair bit of stuff but will ditch most of it if I have to to. Will the ferrries still be going in 10 days? There will be a total social breakdown in Britain within 10 days

Its a pretty cool name for a dictator in fairness. Lets see how he gets on first before giving out

Demolished and rebuilt according to @Chucks_Nwoko.

Christ it was an abomination of a place, your feet would stick to the floor whilst trying to wade past a crowd of which 90% were wearing Ulster team GAA jerseys. Grew tired of it very quickly.

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The great and powerful Orbs

It was considerably better than the Tea Gardens, an absolute shithole of the worst order. Iā€™d sooner spend 10 nights in Finches in Neilstown than go in there ever again.

There wonā€™t. What there might be is army on the streets, and significant rationing. It may be safer than ever.
This isnt even a particularly nasty virus. 250000 deaths needs to be set against a background of roughly 600000 deaths in the UK in a normal year.
Of the 250000 deaths, I suspect at least half would have a life expectancy of less than two years under normal circumstances (this is conjecture mind).
The number of deaths is likely to go up for a year or two, and then back down again.
Itā€™s not the deaths that worry the govt perse. Itā€™s the panic and the fact that they will be sandwiched together.

Tea Gardens managed to upgrade itself dramatically around 04/05. There was an incident with a punter and bouncer in the C&B resulting in the Paddies abandoning the place for a few months. Tea Gardens cleaned up and its act to booth in fairness.

Sure its only a cold, what was I worried about

He already has Gorka.

They waived tax payments though

If itā€™s an incremental 250,000 thatā€™s a 50% increase over a normal year (I think itā€™s more like 500,000 die each year in the UK).

I think youā€™e underestimating how bad this virus is and the disease associated with it. We know a lot more now than a few weeks ago as it sweeps through populations. A shocking statistic I read yesterday, 40% of those ending up in hospital in the US are between 18 and 54, think about that.

I think the best way to think about this is itā€™s a really nasty flu, maybe the worst we have ever seen. The flu kills about 650,000 worldwide each year. This is a lot more contagious, so what we are seeing is deaths of at least that magnitude or greater, but compressed into a shorter time frame. If we get lucky and containment and mitigation efforts work we might contain it to a few million dead.

LDV all the way.

Iā€™ll have 2

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I look forward to Hungary reliving their former glories as a footballing superpower in the 2030s