Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

18 to 54 is some gap. That means 60% arenā€™t in that big huge range

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Yeah, but it kinda puts paid to the notion that only old people are getting really sick.

Darragh Oā€™Brien is in Malahide.

25 mins Ā·

Iā€™m in regular contact with An Garda SĆ­ochana all across Fingal. This morning I spoke with Inspector Dermot McKenna and he has asked me to share this message with residents in the Malahide Portmarnock Division Area. As I receive updates from other Garda Division Areas in Fingal, I will post here.

"An Garda Siochana

To all Residents in the Malahide and Portmarnock area

Re: Malahide Garda Station dealing with Covid-19

As we enter this uncertain period, I want to assure you that we at Malahide Garda Station will be available to assist you in any way possible. I am conscious that there are vulnerable people living in our community and your local Garda will make every effort to ease any concerns that you may have. Malahide Garda Station can be contacted on 01-6664600 or if Gardai are required as a matter of urgency, please dial 999. Any request for Garda assistance can also be emailed to and a Sergeant will respond to you at the earliest opportunity.

A number of new Sergeants and Gardai are now attached to Malahide Station which will ensure that we continue to have a constant Garda presence in the community. I expect Garda resources to be put to the test during this period and to this end, I plead with parents to make every effort to prevent their children from going around the area in groups. There will be additional Garda patrols put in place in an effort to prevent and detect crime and to keep people safe and it would be a shame if resource time was wasted dealing with gangs of youths.

There is a responsibility on us all to do everything within our powers to ensure that we all stay safe. There is a great community spirit in this area and it is going to require a huge effort involving everybody to tackle this issue. We only have one chance to get this right.

Please follow HSE instructions rigidly, and together we will get through this.


Dermot McKenna

Dermot McKenna, Inspector

Malahide Garda Station

County Dublin."

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It kinda doesnā€™t. If it was 40% of 18-35 year olds maybe. How many of that 40% are over 40?

The Greens are reeling. They spent billions and wasted millions of votes trying to convince the world that global warming was a thing and we need to be nicer to cyclists. Now that a very real threat to humanity has presented iteself they give us this


Iā€™m not going to debate statistics on this one with you. My observation was I found the stat that 40% of those hospitalized in the US were between 18 - 54 a bit shocking. If you donā€™t find it shocking thatā€™s perfectly fine too.

That was utterly bizarre. It sounds like Ryan flipped the lid.

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What will they do now that the human contribution to climate change has gone away?

Itā€™s not shocking, the majority of the population falls into that very wide net, its only logical youd see a large number given it spans 5 decades

Sure heā€™s not a leader?? thankfully that idiot is no where near any sort of power

Itā€™s shocking to me but not to you, but thatā€™s ok.

Heā€™ll be minister for bicycle clips some day.

Imagine if Sinn Fein were in charge

Minister for Agriculture surely, herb boxes on every window sill.

your man Doherty is capable, he should join a proper party. the rest are frightening in incompetence, horrifying, did you see what apes in Clare elected? a cunt who screwed over a voluntary social housing scheme, refused to pay her rent and then has the neck to bang on about responsibility, you could not make it up.


In limerick county they nearly elected a fella that didnā€™t even canvass.

Even worse that that, they elected Niall Collins and a simpleton independent.