Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

The one we frequent closed early but it only takes one infected staffer to to the whole place.

Unfounded speculationā€¦

I hope you do too.

Future historians will have to pour through TFK, desperately trying to make some sense of the pandemic.

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Switzerland is the biggest worry I see internationally now because the impression I got was that they introduced their restrictions early but still got gradually overwhelmed. They slowed the curve a bit but couldnā€™t flatten it.

ICU, hold tight!


On a sidenote, someone mentioned that flights are still landing in Dublin every day. For one reason or another, itā€™s hard to stop these flights and what theyā€™re doing here is putting every cunt that lands in a plane in a 5 star CBD hotel for two weeks in an enforced quarantine. Probably looking at, Iā€™d guess, 4,000 beds a night so you can imagine the cost to the taxpayer.

Of course, you still have cunts complaining :rage:

Sure the Swiss are just an extension of Italy.

Switzerland, Northern Italy, Alpine France and Spain would have been in the middle of very busy tourist seasons with people shuttling in and out from all over.

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I wonder if weā€™ve got Citywest up and running as an isolation centre if weā€™re heading that direction.

@myboyblue needs to take a look at himself here


You remember when you dropped your contrarian pose and revealed that you bought into that cloying self indulgent shiteā€¦


What are you getting at here? Spit it out man.

Thereā€™s about 99% chance that eyelash mites (Demodex spp) are having sex on your face right now.

Thats as close as its gonna get for Glas.

positive news last night mate

Thereā€™s very encouraging signs on rapid testing and anti body testing. The latter in particular would allow some return to normality, alongside continued protections for at risk groups.

Additionally, there are still some very positive signs over potential treatments for this. I believe NY are close to announcing their initial results.


I find it mad that all flights havenā€™t been stopped. Surely they have powers to do so? Tough enough to deal with it among the existing population not to mention the uncontrollable of people coming from abroad, quarantine and all.