Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

The Swiss are riddled with it. 9th most infections in the World having just broke 15,000. Less than 300 deaths so far though. Theres a massive variance to the whole thing. We are missing something fairly significant you’d think in terms of how and why it works

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the nursing home in Castlebridge was in lockdown from Monday of that week, prior to both Varadkars speech and the schools closing. Not sure if they took it as their own choice, but I know it was definitely closed for visitors and there was no access into occupied areas of the building. Group gatherings were also after being reduced. I havent spoken to my contact in there since then, so I dont know how things have been for them since, but with only 10 (ten) cases so far in Wexford, nursing homes in the county do not seem to have been hit yet.

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No hospital deaths I’m talking about. The numbers from country to country mean different things. So it’s hard to gauge what’s really happening. Imo the virus is everywhere it’s the only thing that makes sense.

Age profile is probably a huge one.

How long does it take to perform an antibody test?

You need to not be Italian.

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15 minutes apparently with some kit a company have developed and you can do it yourself at home. UK are testing it at the minute

The Mediterranean’s all stay living with their mothers till they are well into their 30s. Possibly a factor in exposing more elderly people to it than other places.

Don’t use the flu vaccine either apparently

In your head, possibly.

This thing wont be fully understood for a year after things recover.

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I don’t think number of infections is comparable given varying testing approaches that countries have, and even varying approaches over time within a country.

The only number that can be compared is number of deaths which needs to be considered per capita obviously, but probably also in terms of population density and age profile.

Swiss numbers not looking good though as you point out.

Lads is there any prospect of anything here?

Pretty much the whole world is fucked with this thing and no tangible signs of positive news anywhere?

I think the Irish government have done as much as they can but are we really going anywhere? If we reopen things is it just going to spark up again?

Will life ever be the same as before?

The Nursing Home that I’m aware of closed their doors to visitors very early in the crisis. Before any official pronouncements

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Jaysus I didn’t realise there were that many still coming in. I know there’s still some repatriation going on, and some of them are cargo flights, but even Ryanair have a good few coming in there, thought they’d shut up shop completely.

Are You going to expand? I think most people agree to some extent. If it took so long to spread out of Wuhan to the rest of the world there’s no way it should be spreading while countries are in lockdown. It’s more likely the vast majority have been effected by it already imo.

They dont wash their hands either

Yes I hope I live to read the history of this thing. It will be very interesting

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Ask Mel C.

Will we ever be told?

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