Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

It narrows their base somewhat. They’re successful in New York certainly.

Part of that is the timing of their mass migration in fairness (after 1890 up to the 20s). Social programmes came in and there wasn’t the same urge to get out of there I guess, but culture would be a factor. I suppose also they probably always felt more likely to go back to Italy (unlike the Irish). The Irish went here, there and everywhere and were big in a wide array of industries and politics across the nation.




I’ll gladly give you a boot there you cunt.

Nope, mine isn’t “boot”, how about bite the back of my sack you utter cunt :stuck_out_tongue:

Paddy will probably be happy with this now as he gets to play the victim after shilling for the Chinese Communist Party.

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Paddy is a socialist and wants to undo the wrongs of his grandfather.

Who is his grandfather?

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Some chap who transferred money to the Caymans for corrupt FF FG politicians.


I had a dream I had been picked to play midfield for Laois.

Ones much more likely than the other.

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A paper on a potential roadmap for the US

He also said they wouldn’t be shutting borders. This tallies with the idea of some post-arrival isolation step aside I suggested earlier. Of course the effect of that would be to further reduce numbers travelling

Don’t know if it’s already been mentioned, but Italy reported only 4K new cases today. Their average was running at 6K a day, yesterday was 5.2K, today 4K. This is encouraging, hopefully they see deaths start to decline soon as well.


800 deaths today. At least they are levelling off and not increasing.

They looked to be levelling off last week but then they crept up again. The growth rate though does seem to be moderating a few days after the case rate moderates though which is good.

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Some good news finally.

They implemented their lock down on March 9th, was it the whole country then or just Lombardy?

Speculative, but it suggests the time lag between social isolating/lockdown and reduced cases might be 3 weeks.

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Their death rate wont decrease significantly until they get their ICU capacity back to a manageable level and even at that it will we probably 2-3 weeks after. The new cases add to a situation where there are people in ICU for what seems on average 3 weeks. If they’re still seeing 6k cases a day approx 600 of this will need ICU.

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What time are our figures out at @Copper_pipe ?