Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet


I’m not sure you can say 10% going to ICU will be an ongoing number, it’s quite possible the early cases were much worse due to the age profile. What’s the % going to ICU in Ireland and other countries?

Somewhere between 6 and 10% seems to be the recurring number or at least it was when I stopped looking at the numbers. My head was melted.

Tubridy riddled with the virus. Official.

It’s been that in Italy, Spain and France. Ireland is 2%, the US 2%, Germany 3%. The UK is some ridiculously low number, not sure you can believe it.

At the peak, it would be 6 or 10%. Hopefully the measures can keep places at those percentages. It should be manageable then

Did they not test him on the show 2 weeks ago. It hardly took all that time to process the results.

They probably had to let the marching powder work it’s way through his system before they could do a proper one.


That would be gone within a day or two. The liquor would be with you longer

I don’t agree you can just extrapolate Italy and Spain to other countries. I think this and the “we’re two weeks behind Italy” are the two big potential mistakes people are making. New York is, so far at least, the worst in the US, by a large margin, and their mortality rate is 2% of cases. That could become 5%, but with the measures being taken to protect the vulnerable since early March, I just don’t see that kind of number across the country. I would say the same for Ireland, and most other countries in Europe.

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Not surprised, bet his immune system is down around his ankles from the Gerry Ryan snuff.

I’m not impressed with the spokesman for the Nursing Home Sector.

Tubs has tested positive.


Projections for Ireland for next few weeks being released tonight

I mean death growth percentage., that’s been falling off. The numbers are still high, but like everywhere else you would hope that targeted interventions for at risk groups will have an impact.


Pandemic… Get your red tops… Pandemic.



@glasagusban fair play to you and prostitution ireland for taking this seriously.

The cunts defending him online are exactly the types of Brits you’d expect. Twitter timelines full of lower league football news stories, random celeb gossip, clips from Benidorm etc.
People just can’t take a joke these days apparently.

"If you do not follow the law, there maybe criminal penalties ".

That’s priceless to be fair to them.

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The compounding is starting to get fairly vicious now. We added nearly 60,000 cases in the last 24hrs. Even at a slowed rate of 15% growth we’d be adding 100,000 cases plus a day from now on and we’d break the million by Thursday. Given everyone is ramping up testing we’ll break a million Wednesday I’d say