Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

A storm could really fuck with the electricity lines.

What are the limits there? Similar to current Irish levels?

Mind copying and pasting that, Tim.


Pretty much, except no restrictions on distance you can go for exercise as long as not in groups.

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Strange that you were vilifying the “Scandinavian model” the other day and are now cheerleading it.

I’d call that a backtrack.

Posting, without comment.

Noting we do not have a separate Australia/Covid 19 thread.

Victoria bans gun sales after applications double

By Anthony Colangelo

People can no longer by guns or ammunition in Victoria, effective immediately, for the duration of the COVID-19 emergency.

The new regulations to quell the sale of firearms and ammunition in Victoria, which have spiked amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Applications for firearms have doubled recently, police said.

“There is no need to be stockpiling firearms,” Victoria Police Deputy Commissioner Shane Patton said.

New laws will restrict the sale of ammunition and guns for recreational and sport shooters.

Those with a clear “occupational” need for firearms can still access guns and ammunition for these purposes.

Drug dealers?

Rabbit and pig hunters

Cops, I guess I can understand.

But people hunt rabbits? Weirdos.

Sure half the country is stockpiling food. The other half is planning further ahead. I’d say fishing rod sales have also doubled.

Shops stocking fishing gear have shut. Now is a good time to brush up on your trout tickling technique (cc: of @Big_Dan_Campbell).

Urgh, gross.

To anyone defending the WHO and the actual fascists in China, hang your head in shame. Taiwan is just off the coast of China and has a population of 24 million. It was the #1 location threatened by the COVID-19 outbreak. As of today they have 306 cases of COVID-19 and 5 deaths. How did they accomplish this? As soon as reports started coming from Wuhan about the emerging threat in December 31 ,they immediately started restrictions on flights from Wuhan and quarantined all visitors showing symptoms. Since then they have implemented a massive program involving border controls, identifying and quarantining potential cases, and formulating economic policies to protect workers and businesses. This even though the WHO were saying restrictions on travel from China were not justified.

Here is Bruce Aylward of the WHO being interviewed by a Hong Kong reporter and refusing to acknowledge that Taiwan even exists (the WHO does not recognize Taiwan), at first pretending not to hear, then hanging up, and then when asked how Taiwan is doing, answered about China.

The WHO are a despicable organization, directly responsible for this pandemic, and should be up on charges in the Hague.


Taiwan sets example on how to fight coronavirus, acting against the WHO’s advice, and the WHO refuse to acknowledge they exist. You simply couldn’t make it up.

Marts are reopening

So Taiwan did everything we didnt do?

Taiwan are always on red alert for stuff coming from China. They test everyone’s temperature on arrival to the country regardless. Irish authorities think that’s pointless.

I know someone from Taiwan.

Correct, Taiwan learned from SARS in 2003 not to believe anything coming from China, and to take aggressive action as soon as they knew of this new virus. Singapore and Hong King took similar measures, Singapore has 3 deaths, Hong Kong 4.