Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

That Paul Cullen chap really puts it up to Dr Tony at the daily press conferences. Many of the others just want to clarify facts and figures and seek a general update quote, but he’s analytical and persistent and very questioning. I guess that’s what you want in a journalist.

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Now more than ever we need proper discourse and questions being asked. The absolute worst thing a society could do at a time like this is just blindly follow the government with chants of Leo, Leo, Leo … It’s important that people with intelligence dont stay silent. We dont want to end up like Hungry who have just created an all out dictator yesterday in their response to the virus…

On a side note, I see the FG bots are picking up loads of traction on twitter. People are finally waking up to what’s going on.


I think we’re going to see the backlash begin against Leo, Simon and Dr Tony shortly. The Shinnbots are gathering traction on twitter.

Could prove disastrous not to have that unity government and everyone inside the tent pissing out.

Even Ewan is on it.

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We effectively have had a national unity government under the leadership of Leo for the last two weeks according to the leader of the Green Party

SF IRA will be seething. Why are SF IRA only advising 7 days self isolation in NI.

I want you all to be ok guys.

Extra checks on citizens returning to Ireland from abroad are under consideration by senior officials in the Department of Health to deal with the coronavirus crisis.

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar said that while Ireland would not be closing its borders, the National Public Health Emergency Team was considering further restrictions on inward-bound travellers.

A senior source said that the new restrictions could involve increased oversight and communication with individuals who have returned from overseas. “It might just be checking in on people to make sure they self-quarantine,” they said.

However, it could also involve additional checks at airports, and would need the assistance of staff who are still currently working at airport terminals, sources said.

Speaking on Monday, Mr Varadkar said the matter was under consideration.

“We’re not going to close our borders. We need to enable our citizens to come home. They might be family or friends. They might also be healthcare workers who volunteered to come back and work in the health service,” Mr Varadkar said.

“We need to import things like PPE from China. We need to be able to export medicines to other parts of the world.

“But the National Public Health Emergency Team last week and this week will examine whether there are additional restrictions or controls that we could apply to people coming into the country that would reduce the risk of imported cases of coronavirus, resulting in community transmission here.

“That is being examined at the moment, and we should be able to do something in the next couple of days.”

Restrictive Government measures are having an “enormous effect” in reducing the number of new cases of coronavirus, according to the academic tasked with predicting the further growth of the epidemic.

The measures such as closing schools, colleges and most workplaces have resulted in a “huge” fall in the growth rate of the outbreak but it will take from seven to 14 days before the full impact of the measures will be known, Prof Philip Nolan, president of NUI Maynooth, said on Monday evening.

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WTF? Crazy, if true.


Meanwhile, Northern Ireland public health specialist Dr Gabriel Scally, who was the author of a report on the CervicalCheck screening controversy, has warned that Ireland’s geographical advantage is being “squandered” by differing approaches to the public health crisis North and South.

“Historically islands have advantages when dealing with epidemics. For example, avoiding importation of new cases by controlling movement to and from the island is comparatively simple.

“However, in this coronavirus pandemic Ireland’s geographical advantage is being squandered by the adoption of very different approaches to dealing with the disease.

“The advice to someone in Lifford [Co Donegal] with symptoms of the disease is to self-isolate for a minimum of 14 days – a stone’s throw away in Strabane [Co Tyrone] the advice is isolation for seven days.”

Once again, the people who have preached partition all their lives are screaming about the North now having different measures being dictated from London … you couldnt make it up :rofl:


We need leadership from SF IRA. We don’t need excuses.

Have you not been listening to SF calling for an all Ireland approach for weeks now?

Leo is the one calling measures and not consulting the north …
your 180 on partition is hilarious. Shows you shills up for what you are. Opportunist and lacking in vision and character.

Sweep sweep. Leo is not in government in NI. SF IRA are. And they advocate a 7 day isolation period. Thank God Leo won’t follow that lead.

Do you need a history lesson now on top of everything else?

You’ve got no code, bro.

Is it a bit naive of us to think that an organisation that has been a shambles for 20 years are suddenly going to nail the handling of a global pandemic?


Are they out of the bed now?

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Are you just a complete wum? I haven’t spoken to one person (on zoom obviously) who doesn’t think it’s better to have sf involved in a unified governmental approach to this. In a week or two when things get strained it will be a disaster to have the reps of 25pc of people sniping at the approach being taken. This goes beyond party political bullshit ffs.
When it’s all over obviously fg and ff will form the government and most people will have no problem with that either. Fg have gone a good job so far.

FG? They been a shambles a lot longer than that - The HSE are a disaster too bro.

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