Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Dr. Campbell is very encouraged by the CPAP masks being developed by Mercedes. The idea is to keep people off ventilators, which is much less invasive and much less drug intensive.

From 12:12 here.

I dont think one poster here is looking for anyone to die.

This line has been thrown out loads of times during this crisis. It’s fraudulent and designed only to place the poster of it up on a moral pedestal.

Which lads exactly are these now?

I hope you’re not trying to have a cut off me here pal. It would be devastating to our newly found detente.

I’m not.

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Isn’t the Twitter account you link to there - “Andy” @cronny86 - widely thought to be operated by a certain long discredited Irish “journalist”?

I only ask because, from memory, the same Twitter account was heavily supporting a certain “candidate” in the 2018 Irish presidential election who never made it onto the ballot, and the account has once again become quite active during this crisis.

Which one of the Barney curleys is online this afternoon? The one from mungret or kildimo?

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So @Thomas_Brady is posting GemmaBots and @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy is backing him up. Interesting.

The @cronny86 account is dodgy as fuck.

Paddy Cosgrave has asked some pertinent questions over the last few weeks, going back to the election. But as soon as somebody starts posting unverified news and Chinese propaganda, and he has now done that and he seems hell bent on going with that strategy going forward, I’m out, out, out.

Real clarity of information from the HSE about the identity of victims would cut out a lot of conspiracy nonsense though, if you don’t have real clarity you give the attention seekers and conspiracy nuts an avenue to exploit.


Lighten up, mate, it was only a joke.

The Sindo of course would never spread bullshit and smear while screaming “fake news” at stuff they didn’t like.

And neither would you, ahem.

Today’s numbers will be out at 7.

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7 14 22 32 46
3 10

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Must do a quick pick for tonight actually. Thank you for reminding me.

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Great leadership from Sinn Fein on this

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Thought so, thanks

for a lad who has repeatedly said this isnt the time or thread for politicking and that you’ll deal with it later, you are gone stone mad with the whole politics on the whole thing. I dont want to throw around the phrase rent free, but christ, every second post is leo this, sinn fein that. Take a break bud, you’ll go mental if you keep this up.


I’ll go mental if I dont keep it up.

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What’s your point then?