Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

cc @Batigol

That flight over Waterford headed in Shannon direction, is that a popular route?

Where I live in mid West Tipperary at close to 200m above Sea level I can regularly see aircraft flying overhead.
At times the cunts fly so low you’d just about make out the undercarriage


They dont and never had the numbers.

The numbers for SFIRA without the blueshirts or the brown envelopes didn’t stack up as well you know and both of them made it clear they didn’t want to get into bed with Marylou right from the get go, thus neutering their attempts before they started.

Flightradar isn’t exactly killing me with details

By the Sun or the Cccccccp?

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Anything beyond that is lies and spin.

They did. There’s more from the other side, hence why FG and FF need others right now.

SF, the self proclaimed winners, failed to lead that grouping. I’m guessing it’s for issues right now why SF failed to get one in place, they don’t want responsibility.


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Sickening reaction of the FFG fans on here to use a pandemic to attack the left

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SF should have planned to lead & run more candidates so.

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The cunts.

Give Kelly a chance as leader is all I ask.

Even the lefties said it was unlikely

" The prospect of a Sinn FĂ©in-led leftist government looks uncertain despite claims from leader Mary Lou McDonald that she could yet be taoiseach.

A majority of 80 seats is needed to form a government.

Left-wing TD Richard Boyd Barrett on Tuesday played down the prospect of such a government.

The DĂșn Laoghaire TD, part of the Solidarity-People Before Profit alliance, said he doesn’t believe the numbers are there for a coalition of progressive parties.

“If you look at the numbers . . . it appears we don’t quite have the numbers,” he told Newstalk.

“We will explore what we can do in that regard, but looking at the raw numbers, it would seem we are short of a majority to be able to do that.”

Mr Boyd Barrett said he believed there would be discussions between Fine Gael and Fianna FĂĄil about a possible coalition and also between Fianna Fail, Sinn FĂ©in and the Greens.

Ms McDonald has said her first preference would be to form a coalition involving neither Fianna FĂĄil nor Fine Gael.

The Sinn FĂ©in leader indicated she will hold talks with Solidarity-People Before Profit, the Greens, the Social Democrats and Labour as well as Independents."

RBB also correctly predicting what would happen with FFG


Yeah same where I am - the ones you mention are the ones descending for Shannon.

Very quiet lately other than Turkish airlines into Shannon which may or may not be odd.

Okay guys, I think another timeout is needed.

cc @maroonandwhite


Flattys desktop largesse has destabilized a few of the lads

When did he move to Portugal? In the last six months or so? Why does it matter how long he lived under Bolsonaro? How long was Bolsonaro campaigning for? Nearly a year? How long was he a politician in Brazil for? Years.

How long does it take to work out that Bolsonaro is a danger to his society? About five minutes tops, I’d say.

Lads are desperately hoping a nurse is dead to prove their points on the internet. Very sad. These nurses are heroes doing their bit for the country while most fellas sit at home drunk watching Netflix.