Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Not sure. Positive tests are now 15 per cent. Contacts are down to 3. Median age of deceased is 84.

If we are way under on numbers vs what actually have it. Then we are way under on ICU admissions as well :thinking:

if this bastard thing ever ends, the gov at the time should suggest a late Patricks day celebration and ask every one to go out and buy a loved one a small present from local outlets. Get a weekend of every one out spending giving the economy a kick start.


Are you entitled to it?

you have to be in some form of employment to avail of it.

What you seeing?

On Paddy’s Day Leo said we would have 15000 cases by today. We seem to be flattening the curve

that was only if we took no measures tho.

17 dead. Christ that’s brutal. Rest in Peace to all the poor souls lost to this cunt of a disease.

Looks like we’re hoovering around 11% growth, for whatever it’s worth, means that the curve is flattening somewhat.

let’s hope to fuck we are.

They’re saying 15% positive which doesn’t make sense off the number of tests ran. Maybe it is of tests ran/processed, in which case we’ve processed 21.6k cases. That’s a backlog in processing of 8k or so. Need to get more rapid kits ASAP.

The contacts is probably the most encouraging thing, that number would suggests it’s in households only now really and community transmission will drop.

I think he means of current tests since they changed guidelines

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Some journo has asked about Cosgraves tweet.


Okay fair enough, much better so.

Lockdown to end of April and we could be out the gap


And stop everyone entering the country?

It will all be over

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Was talking to a nurse friend of mine this evening. She works in one of the major hospitals in Dublin. She was saying you wouldn’t believe how awful things are in ICU at the moment. There’s worse to come.


Will be interesting to see the overall death rates and comparisons to a normal year when all this is over

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