Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

April 2021?

No mate, putting deaths on a spreadsheet brought me down. Iā€™m refraining from it.


The nightmare scenario is we batter it down now and then slowly relax restrictions over the summer, then it comes roaring back next autumn along with the flu season. At least we will have bought some time to prepare, and hopefully develop better treatments.

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15% positive on last couple of days as opposed to 15% overall?

It could mutate into not as strong a yoke either?

The global economy has been ground to a halt with almost universal consensus. I donā€™t think these measures would be taken unless there was a serious threat to public health.

I think itā€™s worse than weā€™re being told.

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So far it hasnā€™t mutated much, only small changes that donā€™t have much effect. Thereā€™s no selective pressure on mutation as the cunt of a thing has no shortage of hosts so far.

ICU is always awful Iā€™d say.

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Wouldnt even minor mutations have an effect on vaccine development and possible immunity?

Why wouldnā€™t they tell us? Sure China is opening up again.

I donā€™t know mate. Iā€™m just guessing.

No, they would have to be significant mutations to effect the way the virus transmits, infects, fight off the immune system etc. Flu viruses mutate a lot, so next seasonā€™s flu would need a different vaccine, and there are also different flu types, A,B and C. Coronaviruses donā€™t mutate much compared to the flu, they have built in error correction which protects the RNA sequence when it is being copied.

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Iā€™m not sure itā€™s a question of not telling us. May e they just donā€™t know how bad it is

I donā€™t think Anthony Fauci posts here, pal.

Approving something for use in an emergency does not mean it works, it means itā€™s not dangerous if administered by medical professionals.

Which was obviously the case given that these drugs are in use for other purposes.

Unfortunately, because you can only debate by turning everything into a one way political mudslinging contest in which you have a massive irrational emotional dependency on coming out on top in, you couldnā€™t even see that, and have ended up shitting all over Dr. Fauciā€™s credentials and claiming you know more than him, which makes you look quite the idiot.

As well as losing whatever ā€œargumentā€ you thought you were involved in.

Take a tip: step away from the keyboard - because youā€™re an idiot who is hopelessly out of their depth talking about this stuff.

China is very worried about a second wave, thatā€™s why they have stopped all foreigners entering China, even permanent residents. The idea that this virus will just go away isnā€™t realistic.

Dr Tony didnt look too hectic during the broadcast?
He turned off camera and mouthed ā€œI donā€™t feel wellā€
He also left like a shot in a different direction to normal.

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Donā€™t mind them cunts in China. They are having us all on

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Nursing homes again.

He must be under serious pressure

I wouldnā€™t trust those filth, they have destroyed the world, they are only interested in their own country

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