Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Its all a bit of a mystery isnā€™t it?

Itā€™s been going through the country slowly but surely for months now. Each person is infecting probably three people which is why we are seeing a steady increase in deaths. Itā€™s death rate is tiny and even the rate of people who get sick is tiny. Itā€™s almost certain the vast majority of us already have had it. We are at the tail end of this and not the beginning. Itā€™s very sad for those that have died but this thing has run itā€™s course now. Time to go back to work before weā€™ve huge social issues.

It is not almost certain.


It isnā€™t really itā€™s just a fuck up from the start to think this was the beginning and not the end. They presumed tiny amounts of people had it and itā€™s was deadly.

There is no mystery in 135 deaths, ffs.

Thanks for the update, Tony.

Around 500 people die a week in Ireland on average for the last decade or so. Over the last few weeks weā€™ve dipped a little below that average. I guess weā€™ve had little road accidents and no work accidents either.

A dedicated thread is needed for Australia here for @Fitzy to vent his bile about Prime Minister Morrison and stop spamming this thread. A bit like they the thread that was set up for the US and UK to allows contributors carp about President Trump and Prime Minister Johnson.

In the US 40% of those hospitalised are under 55. Thereā€™s a terrible delusion here among a lot of posters that this virus is some sort of super-duper contagious yet minor ailment of a type not seen before and therefore will magically go away almost as soon as it has arrived. You canā€™t predict anything for certain but thereā€™s really no evidence at all that it is such and the overwhelming evidence says itā€™s here for the long haul.


The only over whelming evidence Iā€™ve seen about the virus is that you desperately hope we are in for the long haul. Itā€™s already a non event in China which is where the virus started little over five months ago. There was 35 new cases reported in a population of a billion people yesterday.


The Chinese a great bunch of lads. And super believable.

Wasnā€™t yesterday Aprilā€™s Fools Day? Am I missing something?

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Westmeath numbers worrying.

Carlow the safest place in the country.

We keep hearing that x number of people, in this case 136 people, ā€œhad been admitted to ICUsā€ as of point x, in this case yesterday at 1pm.

Ronan Glynn who is deputising for Tony Holohan says there are ā€œ120+ā€ in hospital ICUs currently.

The question is: where do those who have died fit into this? Are the 85 dead counted as part of the 136 ā€œICU admissionsā€? Journalists keep phrasing this vaguely and in a manner that suggest the 85 dead are part of 136 ICU admissions. Is this so? Nobody seems to know.

If the 85 dead are not counted as part of the 136 ICU admissions, where did the dead die? Did they die in ICUs or did they die elsewhere? Again, nobody seems to know.

We need to just lock down Dublin and get on with things.

